Lee Geok Ling

Associate Professor
PhD (Hong Kong), MSocSci (Singapore), BSocSci (Singapore)
(65) 6516 3436 | Email: swklgl@nus.edu.sg or swkhead@nus.edu.sg
Personal Web Page: https://discovery.nus.edu.sg/2400
Areas of Research Interest
- Continuum of Care
- Death, Dying and Bereavement
- Family Caregiving
- Health and Social Work
- Infertility
- Loss and Grief
- Meaning Making as a Research Method
- Palliative Care and End-of-Life Care
Current Research Projects
- An exploratory study of bereavement care in Singapore: the needs, coping experiences and service provision
- Development and validation of a quality of life scale in English and Chinese for family caregivers of patients with advanced cancers in Singapore
- An exploratory study on the experience of care of older persons transiting from acute to post-acute care services in Singapore
- The experiences of advance care planning conversations of medical social workers from an acute hospital in Singapore
- Domains of Health-Related Quality of Life Important and Relevant to Cancer Palliative Care Patients in Singapore: A Preparatory Study for the Development of an Item Bank
- Lee, G. L., Chee, W. Y., Teo, I., & Ng, C. (2022). Re-Conceptualizing Bereavement Care Practices: Insights Gained from Service Providers. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. https://doi.org/10.1177/00302228221086178
- Lee, C. F., Seow, D. C. C., Teo, I., Neo, S. H. S., Yang, G. M., Lee, G. L., Lim, W. S., Hum, A., Cheung, Y. B. (2021). Development of a short form of the Singapore Caregiver Quality of Life Scale – Dementia: SCQOLS-D-15. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 5, 56. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s41687-021-00330-0.
- Lee, C. F., Wee, H. L., Teo, I., Lee, G. L., Thumboo, J., Cheung, Y. B., Neo, S. H. S. (2021). Reference values for the short forms of the Singapore Caregiver Quality of Life Scale. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 5, 17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s41687-021-00290-5.
- Cheung, Y. B., Neo, S. H. S., Yang. G. M., Teo, I., Lee, G. L., Qu, D. L. M., Koh, A. R. X., Thumboo, J., Wee, H. L. (2020). Reference values for and interpretation of the Singapore Caregiver Quality of Life Scale: A quantile regression approach. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 4, 34. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41687-020-00201-0
- Cheung, Y. B., Teo, I., Lim, W. S., Hum, A., Neo, S. H. S., Yang, G. M., Lee, G. L., Tan, G. & Seow, D. C. C. (2020). Development and evaluation of the Singapore Caregiver Quality of Life Scale – Dementia. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 4, 84.
- Lee, G. L., Tan, R. L-Y., Herdman, M, & Luo, N. (2020) Assessing the content validity of the EQ-5D questionnaire among Asians in Singapore: A qualitative study. Annals: Academy of Medicine, Singapore 49(5), 294-305.
- Uy, E. J., Xiao, L. Y. S., Xin X, Yeo, J. P. T., Pua, Y. H., Lee, G. L., Kwan, Y. H., Teo, E., Vaingankar, J. A., Subramaniam, M., Chan, M. F., Kumar, N., Ang, A. L. C., Bautista, D. C., Cheung, Y. B., Chua, T. S. J., Thumboo, J. (2020). Developing item banks to measure three important domains of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in Singapore. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 18(2). DOI: 1186/s12955-019-1255-1
- Cheung, Y. B., Neo, S. H. S., Yang, G. M., Lee, G. L., Teo, I., Koh, A. R. X., Thumboo, J., Wee, H. L. (2020). Two valid and reliable short forms of the Singapore Caregiver Quality of Life Scale were developed: SCQOLS-10 and SCQOLS-15. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 121, 101-108. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.jclinepi.2020.02.003.
- Yang, G. M-J., Neo, S. H-S., Teo, I., Lee, G. L. Thumboo, J., Chia, J., Lau, A., Koh, A., Qu, D., Che, W. W. L., Wee, H. L., Glajchen, M., & Cheung, Y. B. (2019). Exploring the score equivalence of the English and Chinese versions of the Brief Assessment Scale for Caregivers. Journal of Patient Experience, 7(2), 200-207. DOI: 10.1177/2374373519836477.
- Lee, G. L., & Akhileswaran, R. (2020). Physical, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Aspects of End-of-Life Trajectory among Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Phenomenological Inquiry. Death Studies, 44(5), 292-302. DOI: 10.1080/07481187.2018.1541944.
- Kwan, Y. H., Uy, E. J., Bautista, D. C., Xin, X., Xiao, Y., Lee, G. L., Subramaniam, M., Vaingankar, J. A., Chan, M. F., Kumar, N., Cheung, Y. B., Chua, T. S. J., Thumboo, J. (2019). Development and calibration of a novel positive mindset item bank to measure health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in Singapore. PLOS One, 14(7), e0220293
- Yang, G. M., Pang, G. S-Y, Lee, G. L., Neo, P. S. H., Wong, Y. Y. Qu, D. L., & Cheung, Y. B. (2019). Validation of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment Tool (CNAT) in patients with advanced cancer. Indian Journal of Palliative Care. 25(3), 374-378. doi: 10.4103/IJPC.IJPC_38_19.
- Yang, G. M-J, Pang, G. S-Y, Lee, G. L., Neo, S., Neo, P., Wong, Y. Y. Qu, D., & Cheung, Y. B. (2019). Validation of the English and translated Chinese version of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment Tool for Cancer Caregivers (CNAT-C) Progress in Palliative Care. 22(3), 103-108.
- Teo, I., Krishnan, A., Lee, G. L. (2019). Psychosocial interventions for advanced cancer patients: A systematic review. Psycho-Oncology, 28, 1394–14071. DOI:10.1002/pon.5103
- Kwan, Y. H., Uy, E. J., Bautista, D. C., Xin, X., Xiao, Y., Lee, G. L., Subramaniam, M., Vaingankar, J. A., Chan, M. F., Kumar, N., Cheung, Y. B., Chua, T. S. J., Thumboo, J. (2019). Development and calibration of a novel social relationship item bank to measure health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in Singapore. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 17, 82. DOI: 1371/journal.pone.0220293
- Wee, L. E., Tsang, T. Y. Y., Yi, H., Toh, E. S., Lee, G. L., Yee, J., Lee, S., Oen, K., Koh, G. G. H. (March 2019). Loneliness amongst low-socioeconomic status elderly Singaporeans and its association with perceptions of the neighbourhood environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(6), 967. DOI:10.3390/ijerph16060967
- Cheung, Y. B., Neo, S. H. S., Teo, I., Yang, G. M., Lee, G. L., Thumboo, J., Chia, J. W. K., Koh, A. R. X., Qu, D. L. M., Che, W. W. L., Lau, A., & Wee, H. L. (2019). Development and evaluation of a quality of life measurement scale in English and Chinese for family caregivers of patients with advanced cancers. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 17, 35. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12955-019-1108-y
- Lee, G. L., Teo, I., & Kanesvaran, R. (2018). The complexities of doctor-patient-family communication in an Asian oncology setting: Concordance and discordance among patient preferences, family preferences, perceived and actual communication. Health Communication, 33(2), 95-101. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2016.1239303.
- Lee, G. L., Pang, G. S. Y., Akhileswaran, R., Ow, M. Y. L., Fan, G. K. T., Wong, C. F., Wee, H. L., & Cheung, Y. B. (2016). Understanding domains of health-related quality-of-life concerns of Singapore Chinese patients with advanced cancer: A qualitative analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(3), 1107-1118. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00520-015-2886-3.
- Lee, G. L., Fan, G. K. T., & Chan, S. W. C. (2015). Validation of Chinese and English versions of the Holistic Well-being Scale in patients with cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(12): 3563-3571. Article first published online on Apr 17 2015, DOI 10.1007/s00520-015-2736-3.
- Lee, G. L., Ow, M. Y. L., Akhileswaran, R., Pang, G. S. Y., Fan, G. K. T., Goh, B. H. H., Wong, C. F., Cheung, Y. B., & Wee, H. L. (2015). Quality of life domains important and relevant to family caregivers of advanced cancer patients in an Asian population – a qualitative study. Quality of Life Research, 24(4), 817-828. Article first published online on Oct 17 2014; doi: 10.1007/s11136-014-0832-3.
- Blyth, E. D., Yee, S., & Lee, G. L. (2013). Commentary: Freezing the biological clock: A viable fertility preservation option for young Singaporean women? Annals: The Academy of Medicine Singapore, 42(9), 472-477.
- Blyth, E. D., & Lee, G. L. (2013). Commentary: Can Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Impact Singapore’s Low Fertility Rate? Asian Population Studies, 9(3), 241-243. Article first published online on Oct 10 2013 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17441730.2013.836395.
- Lee, G. L., Ow, R., Akhileswaran, R., & Goh C. R. (2013). Exploring the experience of dignified palliative care in patients with advanced cancer and families: A feasibility study in Singapore. Progress in Palliative Care, 21(3), 131-139. Article first published online on Oct 15 2012, DOI: 10.1179/1743291X12Y.0000000041
- Lee, G. L., Woo, I. M. H., & Goh, C. (2013). Understanding the concept of a ‘good death’ among bereaved family caregivers of cancer patients in Singapore. Palliative and Supportive Care, 11(1), 37-46. Article first published online on Mar 01 2012; doi:10.1017/S1478951511000691.
- Lee, G. L., Blyth, E. D., & Chan, C. L. W. (2012). Understanding the patterns of adjustment to infertility of IVF users using narrative and autobiographical timeline. Asia Pacific Journal of Reproduction, 1(2), 125-134. Article first published online on April 14, 2012.
- Hui Choi, W. H., Lee, G. L., Chan, C. H. Y., Cheung, R. Y. H., & Chan, C. L. W. (2012). The relationships of social support, uncertainty, self-efficacy and commitment to prenatal psychosocial adaptation. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(12), 2633-2645. Article first published online on 23 Feb 2012. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2012.05962.x
- Lee, G. L., Neimeyer, R. A., & Chan, C. L. W. (2012). The meaning of childbearing among IVF service users assessed via laddering technique. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 25(4): 302-324.
- Chan, C. H. Y., Chan, C. L. W., Ng, E. H. Y., Ho, P. C., Chan, T. H. Y., Lee, G. L., & Hui, W. H. C. (2011). Incorporating spirituality in psychosocial group intervention for women undergoing in vitro fertilization: A prospective randomized controlled study. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 85(4): 356-373. Article first published online on Sep 30 2011; doi:10.1111/j.2044-8341.2011.02040.x
- Lee, G. L., Hui Choi, W. H., Chan, C. H. Y. Chan, C. L. W., & Ng, E. H. Y. (2009). Life after unsuccessful IVF treatment in an assisted reproduction unit: A qualitative analysis of gains through loss among Chinese persons in Hong Kong. Human Reproduction, 24(8), 1920-1929. Advanced Access publication on Apr `6, 2009; doi:10.1093/humrep/dep091
- Lee, G. L. & Chan, C. L. W. (Eds). (2021). Creativity, perseverance and resilience in the face of the pandemic – The social work. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 31(1-2), 1-158.
- Lee, G., & Goh, S. N. (Eds). (2021). Medical Social Work in Singapore. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd.
- Fan, G., & Lee, G. L. (2022). Redecision and reaffirmation. In: R. A. Neimeyer (Ed.) New techniques of grief therapy: Bereavement and beyond, 187-190. Routledge.
- Lee, G. L. (2022). The virgin island. In: R. A. Neimeyer (Ed.) New techniques of grief therapy: Bereavement and beyond, p. 209-212.
- Schachter, S. R, Lee, G. L., & Fan, G. (2021). Grief following extended illness. In: H. L. Servaty-Seib & H. S. Chapple (Eds). Handbook of thanatology: The essential body of knowledge for the study of death, dying and bereavement, 3rd ed., pp. 308-335. Association for Death Education and Counselling.
- Lee, G. L., Ghoh, C. S. N., Koh, G. C. H., Goh, S. N., Chai-Lim, C., Chiu, M. Y. L., Luo, N., & Cao, K. (2020). Post-hospital Caregiving Experiences: An Exploratory, Longitudinal Mixed-methods Study. In: L. Joubert & M. Webber (Eds). The Routledge Handbook of Practice Research, 304-315. Routledge.
- G. L. (2019) Death Trajectory. In: Gu D., Dupre M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham. https://doi-org.libproxy1.nus.edu.sg/10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_1021-1
- Lee, G. L. & Teo, I. (2018). Cultural considerations in body image and cancer: An Asian cultural perspective. In: M.C. Fingeret & I. Teo (Eds). Body Image Care for Cancer Patients: Principles and Practices, pp. 365-380. Oxford University Press.
- Ho, R. T. H., Wan, A. H. Y, Hsiao, F-H., Lee, G. L. (2018). Spirituality and survivorship: The body-mind-spirit approach to enhance and transform cancer coping. In: M. Y. Lee, C. H. Y. Chan, C. L. W. Chan, S-M. Ng, & P. P. Y. Leung. Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit Social Work: An Empirically Based Approach to Assessment and Treatment, 2nd ed, 228-248. Oxford University Press.
- Lee, G. L., Chan, C. H. Y., Hui Choi, W. H. and Chan, C. L. W. (2009). Chinese traditional belief systems, livelihood and fertility in E. Blyth and R. Landau (Eds.) Faith and Fertility, 137-157. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Cheung, Y. B., Yang, G. M., Neo, S. H., Teo, I., Che, W. W., Lee, G. L., Lau, A. S., Koh, A., Chia, J. W., Thumboo, J., & Wee, H. L. (2018). A locally developed quality of life measurement scale for family caregivers of patients with advanced cancers in Singapore. Value in Health, 21 (Suppl 2): S100. DOI: 10.1016/j.jval.2018.07.754.
- Lee, G. L. (2018). The quest for meaning in life in six patients living with advanced cancer: A qualitative longitudinal study. International Journal of Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy, [S.l.], 7(2): 13, Sep. 2018. ISSN 1708-1696. Available at: https://www.meaning.ca/ijepp-article/vol7-no2/the-quest-for-meaning-in-life-in-six-patients-living-with-advanced-cancer-a-qualitative-longitudinal-study/. Date accessed: 14 Sep 2018.
- Uy, EJ, Xiao, Y, Yeo, PT, Xin, X, Pua, Y, Lee, G. L., Kwan, YH, Vaingankar, JA, Subramaniam, M, Chan, MF, Kumar, N, Bautista, D, Ow, MY, Lim, PA, Choo, BE, Leung, YY, Chan, A, Sung, SC, Kwek, TC, Cheung, YB, Thumboo, J. (2016). Developing item pools for physical functioning, social relationships, and positive mindset to measure health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in the Singapore population. Value in Health, 19(7):A829. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jval.2016.08.599.
- Lee, G.L. & Blyth, E. D. (2017). Commentary: Should Singapore allow healthy women to freeze their eggs? Channel News Asia, published online 03 Dec 2017. DOI: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/commentary/commentary-should-singapore-allow-healthy-women-to-freeze-their-9380582
Published Research Report
Lee, G. L., Ghoh, C. S. N., Chiu, M. Y. L., Goh, S. N., Kai, C., Koh, G. C. H., Lim, C., Luo, N., & Neo, S. K. H. (2019). An exploratory study on the experience of care of older persons transiting from acute to post-acute care services: Quantitative report. A Project funded by NAI/CSDA, National University of Singapore. http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg/nai/doc/social%20innovation/CT%20Research%20Report_Final.pdf
Unpublished Research Report
Lee, G. L., Chee, W. Y., Teo, I., Neo, P., Ng, C., Ng, L. S. Q., Sim, A. G. H., & Tan, T. An exploratory study of bereavement care in Singapore: the needs, coping experiences and service provision. In: Chee, W. Y., Woo, I., Grief and Bereavement Sub-Committee. (2018). Report of the Sub-Committee for Grief and Bereavement. A project funded by Temasek Foundation Cares.