Continuing Professional Education:
Short Courses

We offer short courses in various topics for social service professionals. Course participants are eligible for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits with the Singapore Association of Social Workers (SASW). One CPE credit will be awarded for each contact hour. Approval of CPE credits are to be submitted through the CPE Log Book under each accredited professional’s account.


Intermediate Training in Gestalt Play Therapy

Designed for those who have completed the Basic Training in Gestalt Play Therapy, the workshop will build on theoretical, skill development and clinical practice from the Gestalt approach with emphasis on developing robust assessment, diagnosis and plans.

For: Practitioners working with children and adolescents in the field of health and mental health, helping professions, and related fields

4 Days

Upcoming Run
10 to 13 Sep 2024

Gestalt Play Therapy – The Oaklander Approach

This workshop (basic, part 2) continues to build on theoretical understanding and clinical skills of Gestalt Play Therapy with special focus on the Oaklander Approach.

For: Practitioners working with children and adolescents in the field of health and mental health, helping professions, and related fields

2 Days

Last Run
2 to 3 Jul 2024

Offender Rehabilitation

Process and Punishment

The course will introduce participants to the sociological and psychological issues relating to incarceration and their impact on the processes of prisonization, prisoner identity construction and management, and subsequent reintegration into society.

For: All helping professionals in the criminal justice system and anyone who has an interest in issues relating to crime, deviance and criminal justice.

2 Days

Upcoming Run
26 to 27 Sep 2024

Multicultural Sensitivity In Corrections

This workshop will explore what multicultural sensitivity entails and the processes involved in developing such competency. Participants will heighten awareness, and acquire skills and knowledge necessary to enhance multicultural practice, with a focus on corrections-specific scenarios.

For: Correctional officers, counsellors, social workers and psychologists.

2 Days

Last Run
25 to 26 Jan 2024

Crime and Punishment

The aim of the course is to acquaint participants with the criminal justice policy perspectives on crime and punishment and how best to respond to and reduce the problem of crime in contemporary societies.

For: Helping professionals in the criminal justice system and anyone who has an interest in issues relating to crime, deviance and criminal justice.

2 Days

Last Run
29 Feb to 1 Mar 2024

Social Work and Ethics

Strengthening Ethical Reasoning for Social Work Practice

This didactic and interactive course emphasizes ethical reasoning as a cornerstone in social work ethical decision-making. It aims to equip social workers with foundational ethical theories and decision-making frameworks to guide them in ethical reasoning and decision-making.

For: Helping professionals in health and social services.

3 Days

Last Run
4 to 6 Mar 2024

Social Work and health

Foundational Module in Mental Health for Social Workers

This is a foundational module in mental health targeted for social workers after their first year of practice. It covers basic knowledge in common mental health problems to facilitate social workers to screen clients for management and escalation to the next level of care.

For: Social Workers after their first year of clinical experience.

2 Days

Upcoming Run
18 to 19 Jul 2024

Family Conferencing: Managing Challenging Family Situations Involving Conflict Resolution & Mediation

This module builds on the foundations laid under Family conferencing: Facilitating difficult healthcare conversations and decision-making. The focus is on building advanced skills-set to handle difficult conversations, teach the art of negotiation and mediation to resolve impasses.

For: Social Workers in health and social sectors who are required to work with clients and families in making healthcare decisions.

3 Days

Upcoming Run
24 to 26 Jul 2024

Using Skills-Based Behavioural Health Approaches in Managing Chronic Conditions

This course covers case and care planning using different models and approaches for developing case and care plans to support clients'/patients’ need in accordance to organisational practice.

For: Social Workers, Counsellors, Case Managers/Coordinators with at least 1 year of relevant work experience.

3 Days

Upcoming Run
9 to 11 Oct 2024

Family Conferencing: Facilitating Difficult Healthcare Conversations and Decision-Making

This course will equip Social Workers with the knowledge and skills related to breaking bad news, truthtelling and healthcare decision-making, which are critical to enable them to perform these supportive roles effectively.

For: Social Workers in health and social sectors who are required to work with clients and families in making healthcare decisions.

3 Days

Upcoming Run
14 to 16 Oct 2024

Social Work and Leadership

Agile Team Management for the 21st Century Social Worker

The course would introduce the Agile mindset and its relevance to the current complex, everchanging and chaotic social conditions. The focus is to prioritise client centric practice while maintaining the balance between organisation and client outcomes.

For: Social Workers; Counsellors; Case Managers; Centre Managers; Allied Health professionals.

3 Days

Last Run
8 to 10 May 2024

Financial Capability and Asset Building

Financial Capability and Asset Building – Social Service Practitioners [Basic]

In this course, learners will be equipped with competencies on financial capability which focuses on working lower-income families to achieve income stability, improve their financial capability and begin asset building with the overarching aim to improve their longer-term financial well-being by taking on a life course perspective.

For: Social Service Practitioners/Government Officers/Public Servants working with lower-income/financially vulnerable individuals and families

3 Days

Upcoming Run
23 to 25 Sep 2024

Financial Capability and Asset Building – Social Work [Intermediate]

This course seeks to equip social workers with knowledge and skills in financial capability and asset building (FCAB) and in enabling them to integrate FCAB approaches in social work interventions with financially vulnerable individuals and families on financial matters so that social work interventions can be more effective in achieving overall life outcomes of the clientele.

For: Social workers working with lower-income/financially vulnerable individuals and families

3 Days

Last Run
2 to 4 Oct 2024

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