Master of Arts (Chinese Culture and Language) Coursework Programme

This programme aims to provide a comprehensive and high quality programme for students interested in Chinese literature, history, philosophy, language, and issues related to overseas Chinese communities. Students from various backgrounds are welcome to apply. This programme will also provide graduate training for Chinese Language teachers, editors, journalists, and other relevant professionals that use Chinese as a major language medium.

The M.A. by Coursework programme is structured around course requirements with no dissertation requirement. All courses are taught in Chinese only.

Entry Requirements

Students intending to read Master of Arts (Chinese Culture and Language) coursework programme must fulfil any of the following:

An NUS Honours degree (Merit/Second Class and above) or equivalent (e.g., a four-year Bachelor’s degree with at least an average grade of B or equivalent) in the subject or related field;

A good Bachelor’s degree (at least an average grade of B or equivalent) in the subject or related field and successful completion of a placement test;

Other qualifications and experience subject to approval by Graduate Studies Division, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

English Proficiency

Applicants whose native tongue and medium of university instruction is not English should submit their TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score as evidence of their proficiency in the English language.

The following minimum score is required:

  • 85 for the internet-based TOEFL test (with a minimum score of 22 for the writing section); or
  • 237 for the computer-based TOEFL test; or
  • IELTS score of 6.0.

TOEFL or IELTS results are only valid for two years after the test and the validity should not expire before the beginning of the application period for the coursework programme. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) has indicated that score reports are valid only if our University receives them directly from ETS. The Faculty's TOEFL institution code is 9081.

Application Process

Application Period: 1 November (in the year preceding the intake) to 15 January (in the same year as the intake)

The outcome of application will be made known by late May.

To learn about the application process and supporting documents, please click here.

Tuition Fees

The tuition fee for the entire programme for the AY2024/2025 intake is shown as follows:

(1) NUS Department of Chinese Studies Alumni 1, 2
(2) Full-time Chinese teachers under MOE/ independent schools 1
NUS Alumni 1, 3 Singapore citizens & Singapore permanent residents International Students
Rebate 25% 15% 10% NIL
Total tuition fee
(with GST)
S$30,374 S$34,424 S$36,450 S$40,500
Non-refundable deposit
(with GST)
S$4,000 S$4,000 S$4,000 S$4,000
Tuition fee due by first week of semester 1
(with GST)
S$13,187 S$15,212 S$16,225 S$18,250
Tuition fee due by first week of semester 2
(with GST)
S$13,187 S$15,212 S$16,225 S$18,250
  1. Including Singapore citizens, Singapore permanent residents and international students.
  2. Including alumni of Department of Chinese Studies of University of Singapore, University of Malaya (Singapore) and Nanyang University.
  3. All other majors.
  • The non-refundable deposit is due upon acceptance of offer. This deposit will be counted as part of the tuition fee payment upon successful matriculation.
  • Students who have to repeat courses will need to pay S$4,050 (inclusive of GST) per course.
  • Students in this programme are not eligible for MOE’s Service Obligation Scheme.


For further enquiries, please email