Mr Sew, Jyh Wee
Convenor for the Malay Language Programme
Office: AS4/01-03
Tel: 6516 3323

Brief Introduction
JW Sew has a double-major degree specialising in Malay and Education and postgraduate training at Kent Ridge and Dunedin. His work experience includes Subject Head with MOE, External Examiner of Malay with SEAB (Singapore Examination and Assessment Board), and Field researcher with NUH.
- Invited Supervisor: DYOM 2: Cantonese 2020/2021
- Invited Supervisor: DYOM 1: Spoken Hokkien 2019/2020 oversubscribed and expanded.
- International Advisory Board: Malaysian Journal of Communication 2017 - present
- Editor and Review Editor of Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 2015 - present
- Head of Abstract and Programme for the inaugural Southeast Asian Language Teaching and Learning Symposium 2019
- Reserved Fire Warden 2019-present
- Visiting lecturer at University of Malaya (2019)
- AUA Scholar Tsinghua University (2019-2020)
- Hadiah karya kencana DBP Kuala Lumpur (2011)
- Outstanding Contribution MOE Singapore (2004)
Teaching in Sem 1 2022/23:
LAM1201 Malay 1
LAM2201 Malay 2
DMA1401/L01 Spoken Cantonese
Previously taught: LAM3201, LAM3202, LAM4201, DMA1401/CLS, DMA1401/L02.
Sew, J.W. (2017). From face to screen: Interactive multimodal semiotics at work. Kota Samarahan, Sarawak: UNIMAS Press. [Reviewed in Kajian Malaysia]
Sew, J.W. (2010). Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press.
Sew, J.W. (2009). Semiotik persembahan wacana. Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press, 2009.
Sew, J.W. (2007). Reduplicating nouns and verbs in Malay: A conceptual analysis. Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press.
Refereed articles
Sew, J.W. (2020). Teaching noun classifiers in Malay as foreign language: A case of application of translanguaging method. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 17, Suppl. 2, forthcoming
Sew, J.W. (2018). Pengajaran keratabahasa Melayu peringkat universiti. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 16, Suppl. 1, 214-228.
Sew, J.W. (2017). Learning Malay with poems: From understanding stylistics to blogging poetic expressions. Issues in Language Studies 6(2), 45-64.
Sew, J.W. (2017).Watching Singapore drag comedian: A semiotic analysis of Kumar in a YouTube video. Archipel 94, 121-142. [ISI] [Scopus]
Sew, J.W. (2017). Laporan pencapaian universiti: Satu renungan dari Asia Tenggara. Kajian Malaysia 35(1), 117-131. [Scopus]
Sew, J.W. (2016). Analisis kajian sastera: Semiotik dalam novel Anwar Ridhwan. Akademika 86(2), 53-63.
Sew, J.W. (2016). Aspect in Malay: Realigning time and volition to Malay events. Issues in Language Studies 5(1), 44-63.
Sew, J.W. (2015). Semiotics of performing in Najwa Latif’s music videos. Malaysian Journal of Communication 33(2), 299-321. [Scopus]
Sew, J.W. (2015). Assessing Malay proficiency at tertiary level: Criteria features in learner language. Kajian Malaysia: Journal of Malaysian Studies 33(1), 19-41. [Scopus]
Sew, J.W. (2015). Cultural literacy in Chinese and Malay. WORD 61(2), 165-177. [ISI]
Sew, J.W. (2015). Aspects of cultural intelligence in idiomatic Asian cultural scripts. WORD 61(1), 12-24. [ISI] [Scopus]
Sew, J.W. (2014). Penilaian jurnal akademik. Kajian Malaysia: Journal of Malaysian Studies 32(2), 113-144. [Scopus]
Sew, J.W. (2013). Ke arah penilaian, perkembangan dan pemupukan Bahasa Melayu supranasional. Kajian Malaysia: Journal of Malaysian Studies 31(2), 87-104. [included into Repositori Khazanah Melayu] [Scopus]
Sew, J.W. (2012). Ummi's obedience in marriage: A critical study of Shahnon's Ummi & Abang Syeikhul. Kemanusiaan: The Asian Journal of Humanities 19(2), 79-103. [Scopus]
Sew, J.W. (2012). Learning Malay online at tertiary level. GEMA: Online Journal of Language Studies 12(1), 147-162. [Scopus]
Sew, J.W. (2012). Malay and global literacy. Akademika: Journal of Southeast Asia Social Sciences and Humanities 82(2), 25-35.
Sew, J.W. (2012). Performing hybrid: A reversal of commonsense. JATI: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 17, 269-279.
Sew, J.W. (2011). Pandangan alternatif pada analisis semantik kognitif imbuhan BeR-. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 11(2), 155-170. [Scopus]
Sew, J.W. (2010). Essay Review: David Buckingham, beyond technology: Children’s learning in the age of digital culture, Teaching and Teacher Education 26(5), 1224-1225.
Sew, J.W. (2009). Wired new learning: Blogging Malay literacy. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 6, Suppl. 1, pp. 302–314.
Sew, J.W. (2008). From South Asian echo formation to Cantonese phonetic repetition. The Internet Journal of Language, Society and Culture 24, 72-83.
Sew, J.W. (2008). Temporal adjectives in Cognitive Grammar. California Linguistic Notes 33(1), 1-10.
Sew, J.W. (2007). Globalization and a shifting Malay. California Linguistic Notes 32(2), 1-12.
Sew, J.W. (1997). Power pragmatics in Asian languages. Language Sciences 19(4), 357-367. [ISI] [Scopus]
Encyclopedia Entries
Sew, J.W. (2005). Iconicity. In P. Strazny (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Linguistics Vol. 1, (pp. 487-488). New York: Routledge.
Sew, J.W. (2005). Onomatopoeia. In P. Strazny (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Linguistics Vol. 2, (pp. 796-797). New York: Routledge.
Sew, J.W. (2005). Standard language. In P. Strazny (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Linguistics Vol. 2, (pp. 1036-1037). New York: Routledge. [peer-cited]
Conference Proceedings
Sew, J.W. (1996). Symbolisation in Malay: Evidence in genre and lexicon. The Fourth International Symposium on Language and Linguistics (pp. 114-129). Salaya, Thailand: Mahidol University Press.
Short Malay articles
Sew, J.W. (2019). Kekuatan Bahasa Melayu. Dewan Bahasa 19(4), 48-51.
Sew, J.W. (2019). Ah Tong dan pembelajaran bahasa. Dewan Bahasa 19(2), 22-24.
Sew, J.W. (2019). Supranahu memacu Bahasa Melayu. Dewan Bahasa 19(1), 40-44.
Sew, J.W. (2018). Pantun dan pelajar asing. Dewan Bahasa 18(10), 58-62.
Sew, J.W. (2018). Pembauran kod dalam pedagogi bahasa Melayu. Dewan Bahasa 18(9), 48-51.
Sew, J.W. (2016). Pengganasan kera sumbang? Dewan Masyarakat 54(8), 59-61.
Sew, J.W. (2016). Komunikasi tersirat Donald Trump. Dewan Masyarakat 54(5), 44-45.
Sew, J.W. (2016). Keserasian budaya antara Malaysia dengan Singapura. Dewan Masyarakat 54(2)
Sew, J.W. (2015). Komunikasi sebagai tatabahasa. Dewan Masyarakat 53(11), 36-37.
Sew, J.W. (2015). Politik tawanan di sekitar Asia. Dewan Masyarakat 53(7), 53-54.
Sew, J.W. (2015). Bahasa Melayu untuk penutur asing. Pelita Bahasa 27(6), 4-9.
Sew, J.W. (2015). Generasi aplikasi permainan video. Dewan Masyarakat 53(5), 22-23.
Sew, J.W. (2014). Perlambangan haiwan dalam peribahasa Melayu. Dewan Bahasa 14(10).
Sew, J.W. (2014). Sedapnya kopi O dan teh tarik Malaysia. Dewan Masyarakat 52(10).
Sew, J.W. (2014). Kata pinjaman asing lumrah masyarakat. Dewan Bahasa 14(7), 19-21.
Sew, J.W. (2013). Nilai dan aksi pendidikan. Dewan Masyarakat 51(11), 23-25.
Sew, J.W. (2013). Selaras sekali. Dewan Bahasa 13(7), 35-38.
Sew, J.W. (2013). Habis, selesai atau tamat. Pelita Bahasa 25(7), 18-19.
Sew, J.W. (2013). Kesejajaran ikonik: Mengilhamkan seni karya. Dewan Masyarakat 51(7), 37-39.
Sew, J.W. (2013). Renungan pasif mahu. Dewan Bahasa 13(5), 44-47.
Sew, J.W. (2013). Pesta seni teater di Singapura. Dewan Budaya 34(5), 80-82.
Sew, J.W. (2013). Di sebalik nama tempat. Dewan Masyarakat 51(4), 42-43.
Sew, J.W. (2013). Ingin tahu tentang tahu? Dewan Bahasa 13(3). 52-56.
Sew, J.W. (2013). Asmah Haji Omar: Sarjana Bahasa Melayu. PEMIKIR 71, 181-187.
Sew, J.W. (2012). Perbandingan dalam drama pendidikan. PEMIKIR 67, 73-84.
Sew, J.W. (2012). Turun ke bendang belajar bahasa Melayu. Pelita Bahasa 24(2), 12-14.
Sew, J.W. (2011). Media digital kembar reformasi. PEMIKIR 66, 147-154.
Sew, J.W. (2011). Dari dunia mengimbas ke rantau. Dewan Budaya 33(11), 17-19.
Sew, J.W. (2011). Tentang tahu. Pelita Bahasa 23(10), 30-33.
Sew, J.W. (2011). Kelab isteri taat. Dewan Budaya 33(10), 20-23.
Sew, J.W. (2010). Budaya digital satu ancaman kemanusiaan? Dewan Budaya 32(10), 39-41.[peer-cited]
Sew, J.W. (2010). Persuratan Melayu tercabar. PEMIKIR 61, 29-38.
Sew, J.W. (2010). Kata nama. Pelita Bahasa 22(7), 17-18.
Sew, J.W. (2010). Budaya penerbitan asas kecemerlangan. Dewan Budaya 32(7), 28-30.[peer-cited]
Sew, J.W. (2010). Kucing oh kucing. Pelita Bahasa 22(1), 30-31.
Sew, J.W. (2009). Antara intan dengan kaca: Kemelut budaya akademik samaran. Dewan Budaya 31(11), 46-48.
Sew, J.W. (2009). Kucing merentasi budaya bahasa. Dewan Budaya 31(9), 44-45.
Sew, J.W. (2009). Sintaksis bahasa Melayu satu tinjauan. Dewan Bahasa 9(7), 36-39.
Sew, J.W. (2009). Budaya akademik cemerlang. Dewan Budaya 31(3), 20-22.
Sew, J.W. (2009). Budaya nama merentasi zaman. Dewan Bahasa 9(1), 50-53.
Sew, J.W. (2008). Mengimbangi cita rasa manusia dalam budaya internet. Dewan Budaya 30(10), 9-11.
Sew, J.W. (2008). Semiotik dalam wacana persembahan. Dewan Bahasa 8(4), 51-53.
Sew, J.W. (2008). Bahasa blog menyatukan netizen. Dewan Bahasa 8(3), 6-9.
Sew, J.W. (2008). Bahasa dan prospek kerjaya. Dewan Bahasa 8(2), 22-24.
Sew, J.W. (2007). Pembinaan insan generasi Y. PEMIKIR 49 (Jul-Sept.), 183-202.
Sew, J.W. (2006). Makna suratan dan siratan dalam Puisi. Dewan Bahasa 6(12), 48-50.
Sew, J.W. (2006). Nilai estetika dalam pengulangan. Dewan Bahasa 6(10), 52-54.
Sew, J.W. (2006). Antara cinta, kasih dan sayang. Dewan Bahasa 6(2), 22-27.
Sew, J.W. (2005). Nilai estetika puisi dan pengulangan. Dewan Bahasa 5(11), 32-33.
Sew, J.W. (2005). Ilmu setempat dalam Romeo dan Juliet. Dewan Bahasa 5(8), 14-19.
Sew, J.W. (2005). Makna bunyi dalam leksikografi Melayu. Dewan Bahasa 5(6), 41-45.
Sew, J.W. (2005). Komunikasi kreatif SMS? Dewan Bahasa 5(5), 36-41. [peer-cited]
Sew, J.W. (2005). Evolusi dan evolusi semula bahasa. Dewan Bahasa 5(4), 17-21.
Sew, J.W. (2005). Falsafah pendidikan bahasa kedua. Dewan Bahasa 5(2), 10-15. [peer-cited]
Sew, J.W. (2005). Kajian Bahasa Melayu dahulu, kini, dan akan datang. Dewan Bahasa 5(1), 26-31
Sew, J.W. (2004). Multimedia dan revolusi pendidikan. Dewan Bahasa 4(12), 18-23.
Sew, J.W. (2004). Dari kertas ke skrin. Dewan Bahasa 4(5), 12-19.
Sew, J.W. (2004). Otak dan kemunculan bahasa. Dewan Bahasa 4(2), 56-62.
Sew, J.W. (2003). Otak dan kecerdikan. Dewan Bahasa 3(2), 34-39.
Sew, J.W. (2002). Minda bahasa dan pendidikan alaf baru. Dewan Bahasa 2(10), 52-54.
Sew, J.W. (2001). Keratabahasa [i] dalam Bahasa Melayu. Dewan Bahasa 1(11), 37-42.
Sew, J.W. (2001). Kehilangan bahasa dan dasar awam di Institut Linguistik Universiti New Mexico Albuquerque. Dewan Bahasa 1(10), 36-41.
Sew, J.W. (2000). Budaya tahun baru Cina. Dewan Budaya 22(2), 52-53.
Sew, J.W. (1999). Evolusi kata nafi Bahasa Melayu dan kesejagatan bahasa. Jurnal Dewan Bahasa 43(12), 1136-1151.
Sew, J.W. (1999). Kata Kerja: Mempelopori suatu penilaian semantik baru. Jurnal Dewan Bahasa 43(6), 530-537. [peer-cited]
Sew, J.W. (1999). Minda bacaan: Fonik atau menyeluruh? Jurnal Dewan Bahasa 43(3), 234-241.
Sew, J.W. (1998). Nama kendiri dan rima dalam semiotik komunikasi verbal: Satu tinjauan pelopor. Jurnal Dewan Bahasa 42(9), 847-852.
Sew, J.W. (1998). Bahasa dalam masyarakat: Mengenali bunga rampai komunikasi antara budaya. Jurnal Dewan Bahasa 42(7), 605-615.
Sew, J.W. (1997). Pemahaman makna berdasarkan teori Nahu Kognitif: Satu tinjauan pelopor. Jurnal Dewan Bahasa 41(11), 1123-1131.
Sew, J.W. (1997). Pendekatan fungsional dalam kajian bahasa. Jurnal Dewan Bahasa 41(12), 1131-1137. [peer-cited]
Sew, J.W. (1997). Warna panas dan warna sejuk dalam Bahasa Melayu. Jurnal Dewan Bahasa 41(4), 299-306. [peer-cited in 2019]
Sew, J.W. (1996). Hakisan bahasa di Malaysia. Jurnal Dewan Bahasa 40(9), 855-860.
Sew, J.W. (1996). Pragmatik komunikasi perempuan dengan perempuan di Malaysia: Satu kajian pelopor. Jurnal Dewan Bahasa 40(2), 107-118. [peer-cited]
Sew, J.W. (1996). Kucing dalam peribahasa Melayu & Cina. Pelita Bahasa 8(4), 4-5.
Sew, J.W. (1996). Asal usul kata pemeri: Satu proses penahuan. Pelita Bahasa 8(2), 4-5.
Book Reviews
Sew, J.W. (2019). Review of 'Seri Sembang Munsyi: Peribahasa'. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 17(1), 172-175.
Sew, J.W. (2018). Muhamad Haji Salleh, ‘Pantun: The Poetry of Passion’. Archipel 96, 187-188.
Sew, J.W. (2017). ‘Chinese as Second Language, Vol. 51’. WORD 63(1), 100-114.
Sew, J.W. (2015). J. P. Gee & E. R. Hayes, ‘Language and Learning in the Digital Age’. Kajian Malaysia 33(2), 151-155.
Sew, J.W. (2012). Zaidi Ismail, ‘Kata ganda Bahasa Malaysia’. Kemanusiaan: The Asian Journal of Humanities 19(2), 105-110.
Sew, J.W. (2008). F. Sharifian & G. B. Palmer (Eds), ‘Applied cultural linguistics: Implications for second language learning and intercultural communication’. Pragmatics & Cognition 16(1), 197-202. [peer-cited]
Sew, J.W. (2007). G.C. Khoo, ‘Reclaiming Adat: Contemporary Malaysian film and literature’. Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context 16. Retrieve April 18, 2019 from
Sew, J.W. (2006). J. Kincheloe (ed.), ‘Multiple intelligences reconsidered’. Discourse & Society 17(4), 554-557. [peer-cited]
Sew, J.W. (2005). P. Levine & R. Scollon (eds.), ‘Discourse and Technology: Multimodal Discourse Analysis’. Discourse & Society 16(4), 584-586. [peer-cited]
Sew, J.W. (2000). D. N. S Bhat, ‘The prominence of tense, aspect and mood’. Journal of Linguistics 36(1), 201-203.
Sew, J.W. (1999). B. Heine, ‘Cognitive foundations of grammar’. Journal of Linguistics 35(3), 661-664.
Sew, J.W. (1998). L. W. L. Young, ‘Crosstalk and culture in Sino-American communication’. WORD 49(1), 128-131.
Sew, J.W. (1998). C. Bache et al. (eds.), ‘Tense, aspect and action’. Australian Journal of Linguistics 18(2), 214-217.
Sew, J.W. (1998). J. N. Sneddon, ‘Indonesian: A comprehensive grammar’. Linguistics 36(2), 390-395.
Sew, J.W. (1997). Y. F. Liaw, ‘Easy Indonesian’. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 28(1), 199-200.
Sew, J.W. (1997). M. Crawford, ‘Talking Difference’. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 16(1), 89-95.
Sew, J.W. (1997). Asmah Hj. Omar, ‘The linguistic scenery in Malaysia’. WORD 48(1), 147-151.
Sew, J.W. (1996). Z. Othman & S. Atmosumarto, ‘Colloquial Malay’. Oceanic Linguistics 36(2), 317-319.
Sew, J.W. (1996). Y. Ning & Y. Ning, ‘Chinese personal names’. Onomastica Canadiana 78(1), 36-40.
Arts Reviews
Sew, J.W. (2010). Ramesh Meyyappan (Singapore) in collaboration with Spike Theatre (UK),
Gin and Tonic and Passing Trains. Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context 23. Retrieve April 18, 2019 from
Sew, J.W. (2009). T. Kawaguchi & F. Yamakawa, D.D.D. Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context 16. Retrieve April 18, 2019 from
Sew, J.W. (2007). Aidli 'Alin' Mosbit (Writer & Director), Impenjarament [Imprisonment]. Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context 15. Retrieve April 18, 2019 from
Sew, J.W. (2007). Eighth International Busker Festival in Singapore. California Linguistc Notes 32(2). Retrieve April 18, 2019 from
Sew, J.W. (2006). Parinya Charoenphol (Nong Toom), Boxing Cabaret. Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context 14. Retrieve April 18, 2019 from
h-index (8), Google scholar
Current Presentation
Invited Talk
Reflective remediation in teaching Malay noun classifiers. 1st Southeast Asian Language Teaching and Learning Symposium, NUS, 9-10 Dec. 2019.
Education linguistic reflections on teaching noun classifiers in Malay. Dept. of Malaysian languages and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya, 24 July 2019.
Unifying noun classifiers for teaching Malay at tertiary level. 7th University of Malaya Int’l. Conference on Discourse, Society & Interaction, 1-2 Aug. 2019, Hotel Villa Subang, Selangor.
Envisaging the Exigencies of Independent Spouses: Novel Reading in Intermediate Malay. The Asian Conference for Language Learning, 16-18 May 2019. Toshi Centre Hotel, Nagatacho, Tokyo, Japan.
Teaching noun classifiers in Malay as foreign language. CLASIC2018: THE EIGHT CLS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE, 6-8 Dec.
Hokkien as a heritage language for citizenry exploit in Singapore. 16th Malaysia Singapore Forum: Heritage as Process and Way of Life, University of Malaya, 20-21 Sept. 2018.
Developing onomatopoeia as teaching materials. 53rd RELC International Conference on 50 Years of English Language Teaching and Assessment - Reflections, Insights and Possibilities, 12 - 14 Mar 2018.
Teaching onomatopoeia as a strategy to cultural intelligence. 6th Discourse and Society International Conference, 5-6 Dec. 2017, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
Malay mimetics in Asian onomatopoeia: Towards observational adequacy. Symposium on Common Languages in Southeast Asia. 19-20 June 2017 INALCO Paris.
Workshop: How to teach onomatopoeia in Intermediate Malay. Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 31 May-2 June 2017. Nanyang Technnological University, Singapore.
Teaching Malay Onomatopoeia ubiquitously at tertiary level. CLaSIC2016: Learning in and beyond the classroom: Ubiquity in foreign language education. 1-3 Dec., UTown NUS.
Singapore Hokkien: The Return of the repressed. NUS-INALCO Symposium: Common Languages in Asia, 1 Nov. 2016, Shaw Foundation Building, NUS.
Aging with Kumar’s political semiotics. The 15th Malaysia-Singapore Forum: Politics of Heritage, NUS 7-8 Dec. 2015.
Multilingual reconciliations in Singapore's Pioneer Generation Package campaign. Multilingualism & multiculturalism in foreign language education in Singapore, Paris and beyond. Kent Ridge Guild House NUS 14-15 Nov. 2015.
Learning Intermediate Malay with poems. Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2015. National Institute of Education, NTU 3 June 2015.
Poems as Malay language learning materials at tertiary level. CLaSIC2014: Knowledge, Skills and Competencies in Foreign Language Education. 4-6 Dec. 2014, UTown NUS.
Semiotics of Performing in Najwa Latif’s music videos.14th Malaysia Singapore Forum, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, 9-10 Dec. 2013 Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
Translating: A learning strategy of Malay at tertiary level. 14th Int’l Conference on Translation - FIT 7th Asian Translators’ Forum, 27-29 Aug. 2013, Penang, Malaysia.
Incorporating translation in Malay classroom at tertiary level. Forefront Asia Conference, AS7 Seminar Room B, National University of Singapore, 14-15 Aug. 2013.
Intelligent structures in idiomatic Asian cultural scripts. Clasic2012: Culture in foreign language learning: Framing and reframing the issue, Alumni House, 6-8 Dec. 2012.
‘Street Malay’ as Teaching Material: From Noam Chomsky to Steve Jobs. CLS 10th Anniversary Symposium on Language Learning Materials Design and Development, 1-2 Dec. 2011, NUS, Singapore.
A literary perspective on Ummi’s Obedience in marriage. RAFIL3: Great Asian Writers and Vernacular Literatures in a Postcolonial Perspective, 11-13 Nov. 2011, NUS Museum.
Measuring Malay proficiency: Criteria features as scheme of assessment. 4th Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 30 May-1 June, 2011. NIE, NTU, Boon Lay, Singapore.
Assessing Malay Proficiency. CLaSIC2010: Individual Characteristics and Subjective Variables in Language Learning, 2-4 December, 2010, Orchard Hotel, Singapore.
Blogging Malay in Foreign Language Education. ICT2010 Singapore: Inspired Solutions, Empowered Learning, 30 June-2 July, 2010. SIM Mgt. House, Namly, Singapore.
Presented paper in Albuquerque NM, Auckland, Bangi, Bangkok, Canberra, Dunedin, Kuala Lumpur, Leiden, Melbourne, Paris, Penang, Singapore, Sydney, Wellington.
Project Review
Invited Review
- Invited referee 2020: Kemanusiaan: The Asian Journal of Humanities.
- Invited referee 2020: Oceanic Linguistics
- Invited referee 2019: Kajian Malaysia
e-FLT Review
- Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Second or Foreign Language: Emerging Trends (Rowan, 2019) [Assigned]
- Review AR19_276
- Review AR20_32
- Review AR20_41
- Review AR20_106
Work cited in 2020
- Iconicity in Encyclopedia of Linguistics (Routledge, 2005), in Randy Allen Harris (2020) Ploke. Metaphor & Symbol 35(1).
- Aspects of cultural intelligence in idiomatic Asian cultural scripts. Word. 2015; 61 (1). in Karabuschenko N.B, et al. (2020) in RUDN Journal of Sociology 20(2).
- Analisis kajian sastera: Semiotik dalam novel Anwar Ridhwan.Akademika 86(2) (2016), in Zul P. S. & Norazimah Z. Kajian Ikon, Indeks Dan Simbol Dalam Cerita Legenda Lombok Berdasarkan Teori Semiotik 2020.
- Ke Arah Penilaian, Perkembangan dan Pemupukan Bahasa Melayu Supranasional.Kajian Malaysia, 31(2013), in Alice Rayner et al. (2020). Bahasa melayu, leksikal dan leksikografi dialek bumiputra borneo, Sabah (dmb) literatur tuntas pelestarian serta integrase. Research Project. Universiti Sabah Malaysia.
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