DU Lin 杜琳

Postdoctoral Fellow (jointly appointed with Japanese Studies)
Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Tel: 65-6516-3900
Office: AS8/05-20
E-mail: lindu@nus.edu.sg
Research Interests 研究兴趣
- Modern Chinese Literature and Media Culture 现代中国文学与媒体文化
- Media Technologies in Asia 东亚媒体文化
- Digital Humanities 数字人文
- Computer Vision Approaches in Visual Historical Analysis 计算机视觉方法的视觉历史分析
- Machine Learning and AI Applications in Humanities 机器学习和人工智能方法在人文学科的应用
- Visual Culture, Cultural Heritages, and Digital Archives 视觉文化、文化遗产和数字档案
Short Biography
Lin Du is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow jointly appointed in the Departments of Japanese Studies and Chinese Studies at the National University of Singapore. She completed her PhD at the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at UCLA, where her dissertation, "Chinese Photojournalism 1937–1952: Materiality and the Institutionalization of Culture via a Computer Vision Approach," utilized advanced computer vision techniques to explore wartime visual media culture. Lin holds an MA from the Regional Studies East Asia Program at Harvard University and a BA in Chinese Language and Literature from Peking University. Her pioneering work in machine learning has been published in the ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), and her contributions to humanities research are forthcoming in the Journal of Chinese Cinemas and Asia Pacific Perspectives.
杜琳目前是新加坡国立大学日本研究系和中国研究系联合任命的博士后研究员。她在加州大学洛杉矶分校亚洲语言和文化系完成了博士学位,她的论文《中国新闻摄影 1937-1952: 以计算机视觉方法研究视觉物质性与文化体制》利用先进的计算机视觉技术探索了战时的视觉媒体文化。杜琳获得了哈佛大学东亚研究项目的硕士学位和北京大学中国语言文学学士学位。她在机器学习领域的开创性工作发表在《ACM计算与文化遗产期刊》(JOCCH)上,她的人文研究论文(英文)即将发表在《中国电影杂志》和《亚太视角》上。