Kenneth DEAN 丁荷生
Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Professor
(Joint Appointment)
Ph.D., Stanford University
Tel: 65-6516-1390
Office: AS8/05-46
Courses Taught 开设课程
- CHC5308 Chinese Kinship and Local Society 中国宗族与地方社会
- CHC5340 Chinese Temples and Associations in Southeast Asia 东南亚华人庙宇与社团组织
- GESS1003/GES1005 Everyday Life of Chinese Singaporeans: Past & Present 新加坡华人的日常生活:过去与现在
Research Interests 研究兴趣
- Nanyang Chinese in modern Chinese history 中国近代史上的南洋华人
- History of Religion in China: Daoist Studies 中国宗教史:道教史
- Comparative study of Chinese regional history 中国区域史比较研究
- The Henghua temple networks in Southeast Asia 东南亚兴化人的庙宇网络
- Singapore Chinese temples 新加坡华人庙宇