KOH Khee Heong 许齐雄


Associate Professor
Ph.D., Columbia University

Tel: 65-6516-3911
Office: AS8/05-42
E-mail: chskohkh@nus.edu.sg
Homepage: https://discovery.nus.edu.sg/742-khee-heong-koh


Courses Taught 开设课程

  • CH1101E Retelling Chinese Stories: Change and Continuity 经典故事的演变与继承
  • CH2161 Traditional Chinese Taxonomy of Learning 经史子集
  • CH3243 Chinese Cultural History 中国文化史
  • CH3253 Confucian Thought 儒家思想专题
  • CHC5101 Contemporary Research in Chinese Studies 当代汉学研究导论
  • HS2909 The Rise and Fall and Rise of China

Research Interests 研究兴趣

  • Ming-Qing Intellectual History 明清思想史
  • Chinese Kinship Organizations 宗族组织研究
  • State-Society Relation in Late Imperial China 帝国晚期的国家与社会关系研究
  • Neo-Confucianism 宋明理学