KUAH Khun Eng 柯群英


Adjunct Professor
Ph.D., Monash University

Tel: 65-6516-3900
E-mail: kuahke12@nus.edu.sg

Courses Taught 开设课程

  • GESS1027/GES1038 La Kopi: Forging of the Chinese Singaporean Community 新加坡华人社群的建构和演变


Kuah, Khun Eng is presently adjunct professor at the Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore; a visiting professor at the School of International Studies/Academy of Overseas Chinese Studies, Jinan University (Guangzhou China) and an academic adviser to Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, South China Normal University. Her previous academic positions included as distinguished professor of Anthropology and Chinese Diaspora Studies at the School of International Studies and Academy of Overseas Chinese Studies, Jinan University (Guangzhou, China), professor at Monash University Malaysia campus, University of Hong Kong and University of Melbourne. She was also visiting scholar and co-ordinate researcher at Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University, visiting professor at University of Paris Cíte and Oxford University.

Her three categories of research specializations are:

1) Global and Diaspora Chinese and China Connections 全球与海外华人

  1. Diaspora Chinese and hometown connections 海外华人与中国的联系与原乡的联系;
  2. Chinese voluntary organisations, migration and identity 移民,会馆同乡会与身份认同;
  3. Chinese entrepreneurship and time-honoured businesses 华商老字号研究;
  4. Chinese herbal medicine and herbal tea 中草药与凉茶;
  5. Chinese women, politics and cyberspace 妇女,互联网 与文化资本.

2) Society, State and Religion 社会,政治与宗教

  1. State, society and Reformist Buddhism 东亚及东南亚的革新派佛教;
  2. Buddhist compassion and philanthropy in East and Southeast and Asia 佛教慈悲与慈善事业;
  3. Ancestor worship in Chinese societies 祭祖在华人社会的角色;
  4. Chinese popular religions 华人民间信仰;
  5. Mazu Belief 妈祖信仰与文化资本;
  6. Christian philanthropy and charity 基督教慈悲与慈善事业.

3) Society, State and Tangible/Intangible Cultural Heritage 社会,政治与文物非文物遗产

  1. Ethnic space 民族空间;
  2. Heritage buildings and spaces 文物建筑遗产与空间;
  3. Ethnic and everyday tangible and intangible cultural heritage 民族与日常生活文物非文物遗产.


She is the sole author of 5 books; editor/co-editor of 10 edited books and 7 special journal issues; and author of 90+ journal articles and book chapters. Her latest books are Ancestor Worship in the Diaspora Chinese and China Universes: The Making of a Collaborative Cultural Basin (Routledge, 2024); The Social Production of Buddhist Compassion in Chinese Society (Routledge, 2022) and Rebuilding the Ancestral Village: Singaporeans in China (Routledge, 2022, 3rd imprint); Vernacular Chinese Shrines in Singapore. 2023. Singapore: Pagesetters. (co-authored); Covid-19 Responses of Local Communities around the World: Exploring Trust in the Context of Risk and Fear (co-edited., Routledge 2023).