LAM Lap 林立

Lam Lap

Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of British Columbia

Tel: 65-6516-7826
Office: AS8/05-30

Courses Taught 开设课程

  • CH2121 History of Chinese Literature 中国文学史
  • CH2162 Reading Classical Chinese Texts 历代文选
  • CH3228 Classical Poetry: Writing and Criticism 唐宋诗选与习作
  • CH3230 Ci Lyric in the Tang-Song Period 唐宋词
  • CH5224R Prescribed Texts in Literature 文学专题
  • CHC5101 Contemporary Research in Chinese Studies 当代汉学研究导论
  • CHC5312 Tang-Song Poetry and Poetics 唐宋诗学
  • GEH1073 The Art of Chinese Poetry: Past and Present 中国诗歌艺术之古与今

Research Interests 研究兴趣

  • Ci Poetry and Ci Studies 词与词学
  • Classical Shi Poetry and Theory 古典诗及诗学理论
  • Classical Poetry Clubs in Contemporary China and overseas Chinese communities   当代中国古典诗社
  • Popular Culture Theory and Popular Literature in Imperial China    流行文化理论与古代民间文学