LEE Chee Hiang 李志贤


Associate Professor
Ph.D., National University of Singapore

Tel: 65-6516-6004
Office: AS8/05-32
E-mail: chsleech@nus.edu.sg
Homepage: https://discovery.nus.edu.sg/515-chee-hiang-lee

Courses Taught 开设课程

  • CH2274 Discovering the Chinese Business Environment 中国商务
  • CH4244 Selected Topics on the Overseas Chinese 海外华人专题
  • CH6241 Topics in Chinese History 中国历史专题
  • CHC5301 History and Civilizations of the Tang Empire 唐帝国的历史与文明——政治、制度与文化
  • CHC5309 Economic and Management Thought in Pre-Modern China 中国古代经济思想与商业观

Research Interests 研究兴趣

  • History of the Tang Dynasty 唐史
  • Taxation and Economic Development of Tang Period. 唐代赋税与经济史
  • The study of Wu Zetian 武则天研究
  • Chinese traditional thought on economics and management 中国古代经济与管理思想
  • Society and Culture of Teochew in Southeast Asia 东南亚潮人社会文化
  • The study of Teochew “shantang” 潮汕善堂研究