Liao Yiran 廖依然

B.A., (Hons) in Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore (2018)
M.A., National University of Singapore (2020)
Research Interest:
Sound Studies; Cultural Cold War in Asia; Singapore Studies and Nation-building History
A childhood migrant to Singapore, I have grown alongside this land for over two decades. Previously, I worked at the NUS Department of Chinese Studies as a Teaching Assistant, was a researcher at a local Teochew cultural research center, and freelanced in event planning. Some of my past research topics include: "The Contested Constructions of Malayanization: A Case Study on Radio Malaya in the Cultural Cold War (1946-1963)" and "The Construction of National Consciousness and 'Singapore Children' After the Founding of Singapore: A Case Study of Young Singaporean (1973-1979)."
Supervisor: A/P Xu Lanjun
Thesis Title: Imagining Beyond the Airwaves: Tracing the Role of Singapore Broadcasting in Nation-Building and Cultural Construction, 1963-1989
My research topic focuses on both official and private commercial broadcasting institutions in Singapore, namely Radio and Television Singapore (RTS) and Rediffusion (Singapore). It aims to examine the negotiation and integration of various ideologies through sound media in the 1960s and 1970s.