TIAN Yuan 田源

Postdoctoral Fellow
Ph.D., University of Chicago
Tel: 65-6516-3900
Office: AS8/06-15
E-mail: yuantian@nus.edu.sg
Research Interests 研究兴趣
- Late Imperial and Modern Chinese History 近当代中国历史
- Business History 商业史
- Social and Legal History 社会史与法律史
- Imperialism and Empire 帝国主义
- Global Asia 环球亚洲
- Christianity 基督教研究
- Imperial Borderlands 帝国边疆与边界
Short Biography
Yuan Tian is a historian specializing in late imperial and modern China, with a focus on legal history, business history, Christianity, and colonialism. She earned a PhD from the University of Chicago, an MA from Stanford University, and a BA from the University of Hong Kong. Currently, she is working on her monograph Uncharted Jurisdiction: Law, Imperialism, and Global Trade in Modern China, which investigates how extraterritoriality—a colonial legal framework granting foreigners immunity from Chinese jurisdiction—became deeply embedded in the legal and socioeconomic fabric of Chinese society. This project shifts scholarly attention from the well-studied coastal treaty ports to the Chinese interior, particularly the Upper Yangtze region, offering a fresh perspective on imperial legal encounters and Sino-foreign trade. Her recent work will be published in Late Imperial China and Journal of Chinese History. Yuan’s research has been supported by grants and fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies, the Hoover Institution, the Association for Asian Studies, the Nicholson Center for British Studies, and the China Times Cultural Foundation, among others.
田源的研究主要聚焦于18世纪以来中国史和全球史视域下的法律、商业与殖民问题,尤其着眼于这些宏观议题在基层社会中的微观互动。她先后在香港大学、斯坦福大学和芝加哥大学获得学士、硕士和博士学位。目前,田源正在进行英文专著的写作,该书探讨治外法权这一特殊的殖民法律制度如何嵌入中国本土的法律和社会经济结构,并将关注点从传统的沿海通商口岸转向中国内陆,特别是长江上游地区。田源的最新成果将发表在Late Imperial China和Journal of Chinese History。她的研究曾获得多个机构的荣誉和资助,包括胡佛研究所(Hoover Institution)、American Council of Learned Societies、美国亚洲研究协会(Association for Asian Studies)、芝加哥大学的Nicholson Center for British Studies以及中国时报文化基金会等。