TU Hang 涂航

Tu Hang

Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Harvard University

Tel: 65-6516-3909
Office: AS8/05-26
E-mail: tuhang@nus.edu.sg
Homepage: https://discovery.nus.edu.sg/20713-hang-tu

Courses Taught 开设课程

  • CH3248 Contemporary China: 1949 to the Present 当代中国研究(1949年至今)
  • CH4227 Contemporary Chinese Literature in Twelve Key Words 十二个词汇里的当代中国文学
  • CHC5335 Literature, Politics, and Media in Contemporary China 当代中国文学、文化与媒体政治
  • GEC1045 Forbidden Romance in Modern Times: East and West 东西之间的浪漫主义文学思潮

Research Interests 研究兴趣

  • Modern Chinese Literature, Culture, and Media 中国现当代文学、文化与媒介研究
  • Intellectual Debate in Contemporary China 中国当代思想争鸣
  • Higher Education in Republican China 民国时期的高等教育与知识团体
  • PRC Political Culture 中国政治文化
  • Affect Theory 情动理论