NUS Economics awards Teaching Excellence Awards AY2023/24

NUS Economics awards Teaching Excellence Awards AY2023/24

March 12, 2025

Award Winners:

Li Ming for excellence in teaching EC4303 (Econometrics III) and EC5103 (Econometric Modelling and Applications I) over the past three years.





Kelvin Seah for his contributions to both introductory and honours-level courses over the past three years, where he has consistently received outstanding student feedback.





Sng Tuan Hwee for his role in developing and teaching the new interdisciplinary course HS2909 (The Rise and Fall and Rise of China), as well as excellent teaching in EC3101 (Microeconomic Analysis II) in recent years.





Julian Wright for his long-standing contributions to EC4325 (The Economics of Digital Platforms), one of the most popular 4000 level courses offered by the Department.