SUN Yeneng

SUN Yeneng

Dean 1

SUN Yeneng


PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

AS2 06-10
6516 3994
Curriculum Vitae


Game Theory
Microeconomic Theory
Mathematical Economics
Mathematical Finance
Various courses in mathematics


Economic Theory
Game Theory
Information Economics
Analysis and Probability Theory


“Dynamic games with (almost) perfect information” (with W. He), Theoretical Economics 15 (2020), 811-859 (plus 36 pages of supplement).

“The individualistic foundation of equilibrium distribution” (with X. Sun and H. Yu), Journal of Economic Theory 189 (2020), Article 105083 (28 pages).

“Modeling large societies: why countable additivity is necessary” (with A. Khan, L. Qiao and K. Rath), Journal of Economic Theory 189 (2020), Article 105102 (35 pages).

“Equivalence of stochastic and deterministic mechanisms” (with Y. Chen, W. He and J. Li), Econometrica 87 (2019), 1367-1390 (plus 18 pages of supplement).

“Pure-strategy equilibria in Bayesian games” (with W. He), Journal of Economic Theory 180 (2019), 11-49.

“Dynamic directed random matching” (with D. Duffie and L. Qiao), Journal of Economic Theory 174 (2018), 124-183.

“Modeling infinitely many agents” (with W. He and X. Sun), Theoretical Economics 12 (2017), 771-815.

“Equilibria and incentives in private information economies” (with X. Sun, L. Wu and N. Yannelis), Journal of Economic Theory 169 (2017), 474-488.

“Stationary Markov perfect equilibria in discounted stochastic games” (with W. He), Journal of Economic Theory 169 (2017), 35-61.

“Strategic uncertainty and the ex-post Nash property in large games” (with A. Khan, K. Rath and H. Yu), Theoretical Economics 10 (2015), 103-129.

“Large games with a bio-social typology” (with A. Khan, K. Rath and H. Yu), Journal of Economic Theory 148 (2013), 1122-1149.

“The exact law of large numbers for independent random matching” (with D. Duffie) Journal of Economic Theory 147 (2012), 1105-1139.

“Individual risk and Lebesgue extension without aggregate uncertainty” (with Y. Zhang), Journal of Economic Theory 144 (2009), 432-443.

“Monte Carlo simulation of macroeconomic risk with a continuum of agents: the general case” (with P. Hammond), Economic Theory 36 (2008), 303-325.

“Core, equilibria and incentives in large asymmetric information economies” (with N. Yannelis), Games and Economic Behavior 61 (2007), 131-155.

“Perfect competition in asymmetric information economies: compatibility of efficiency and incentives” (with N. Yannelis), Journal of Economic Theory 134 (2007), 175-194.

“The exact law of large numbers via Fubini extension and characterization of insurable risks”, Journal of Economic Theory 126 (2006), 31-69.

“Non-cooperative games with many players” (with A. Khan), in Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications Volume III (Robert Aumann and Sergiu Hart eds), Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2002, pp. 1761-1808.

“A theory of hyperfinite processes: the complete removal of individual uncertainity via exact LLN”, Journal of Mathematical Economics 29 (1998), 419-503.

“On the existence of pure strategy equilibria in games with a continuum of players” (with A. Khan and K. Rath), Journal of Economic Theory 76 (1997), 13-46.


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