Master of Economics (Applied Economics)

Career-Oriented Track: Applied Economics

This track is for students who wish to become professional economists or economic consultants, or who wish to work for government agencies. It is designed for students who wish to apply economics to a wide range of challenging situations facing firms, policymakers, and other stakeholders. The programme, which has an applied orientation, requires students to take core theory courses and courses in various areas such as financial economics, economic data analytics, behavioral economics, economic policies, and international economics.

Class Schedule

  • ECA courses – ECA5103 and all the elective courses are offered on weekday evenings, while ECA5101 and ECA5102 are offered on both weekday daytime and evenings.
  • EC courses – All the classes are offered on weekday daytime.

Curriculum for Master of Economics (Applied Economics)

The graduation requirement for the career-oriented track is TEN courses. Of the ten courses, THREE will be core foundation courses that are required for all students. The students are free to choose the other SEVEN elective courses.

The assessment for each course will be based on a combination of examination and continuous assessment (CA). Examinations for coursework are usually held at the end of each semester of study. Students are not permitted to repeat any course that they have taken previously and passed.

No. of Courses Course Type Course Code
3 Core Compulsory *ECA5101, ECA5102 and ECA5103
7 Elective From ECA5xxx or, subject to the department’s approval, from EC5xxx or EC6xxx

*In lieu of these compulsory courses a candidate may with the department's approval take EC5101 Microeconomic Theory, EC5102 Macroeconomic Theory, and EC5103 Econometric Modelling and Applications I from the Master of Social Sciences (by Research) Programme.

Core compulsory courses
Elective courses

Other university courses may be taken upon approval by the department. For EC courses, please consult the Master of Economics (Quantitive Economics) curriculum information.

Not all courses may be offered in any particular academic year. Course offerings will depend on student interest and staff availability.