Alumni Job Sharing Session – - Job as a Trader

Dear Students,

We encourage you to sign up for the Alumni Sharing Session: Job as a Trader, 13 September (Monday),
5pm - 6 pm by Mr. Andy Lee, Trader at DRW.

We are very pleased to get Andy’s precious time to share his work experiences with our undergraduates.

ANDY LEE is a Delta One trader at DRW, a top tier diversified proprietary trading firm, where he trades primarily equities and equity derivatives across various exchanges across Asia, Europe and the U.S. Prior to this, he was with Flow Traders, where he began his career in high frequency trading.

Andy graduated from NUS in 2016 with a double degree in Economics and Mechanical Engineering, where he was valedictorian for both faculties. During his time at NUS, he held various teaching appointments for economics modules and was a research assistant to Professor Julian Wright.

Andy’s interest in the proprietary trading industry developed when he learnt that the work required strong quantitative skills and a solid grasp of both finance and economics, and felt that he would be able to fully utilize his training in both his academic disciplines.

Andy will be addressing the following questions at the session:

  1. How did you get your job? What could be the reasons you were hired?
  2. What is your job designation? What is your job scope? Which department are you in, and what segment of the market are you serving/ supporting?
  3. What do you do on a normal workday? Explain your job tasks?
  4. Who do you interact with in the organization, and why?
  5. Why and how do you interact with clients (if applicable)?
  6. What are the challenges faced so far, as a new employee and trader? How do you overcome these?
  7. What is your career path? What do you need to do to move to the next level?
  8. What do you think are important qualities and skills-set needed to succeed in this job, and other aspects of life in the banking and financial services sector?
  9. Highlight some tips for the undergraduates on getting a job during this pandemic time.

In addition, DRW is on the look-out for fresh graduates who are interested to work for the organization.

DO NOT MISS THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR FROM ANDY!!  * The online sharing session is over*

Best Regards.
Dr. Connie CHUNG and Dr. MUN Lai Yoke
Department of Economics

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