New Editorial Appointments

Test 3

Members of the Department provide intellectual leadership through their service at academic journals.  Several of them have taken on new editorial responsibilities since our last report on this matter.

Alberto Salvo has been appointed as an Editorial Council member at the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, a leading journal in the field of environmental economics.  Professor Salvo's research is on economics and the environment; his research on how air pollution drives plastic waste (with Liu Haoming from the Department and Chu Junhong from the Business School) was recently featured in NUS News.

Sng Tuan Hwee has taken up an appointment as Associate Editor at the Journal of Asian Economics.  Professor Sng is an economic historian, with a focus on China.

The Journal of Economic Theory recently appointed Satoru Takahashi as one of its associate editors.  This journal is widely-recognized as one of the top journals in the area of economic theory.   Professor Takahashi heads the Economics Department and has published widely in the field of game theory.

Zhong Songfa has been appointed an associate editor at the journal Management Science.  Professor Zhong is an expert on behavioral and experimental economics.   There are two members of the Department who are already on the board of this important journal:  Sumit Agarwal and Ivan Png.

Zhou Junjie has recently taken on associate editorships at two journals, the International Journal of Industrial Organization and Mathematical Social Sciences.   In the former, he joins Julian Wright, who serves as a co-editor at the journal.  Professor Zhou is a theorist with interests in industrial organization and networks.

John Quah has been appointed a co-editor of Economic Theory; he was previously an associate editor.  Professor Quah's research is in revealed preference analysis and comparative statics.  Sun Yeneng and Satoru Takahashi also serve as associate editors of this journal.


JQ, February 26th, 2021

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