SALVO Alberto

SALVO Alberto

© NUS Dept of Economics | Photography by Lionel Lin

SALVO Alberto

Associate Professor / Dean’s Chair

PhD, London School of Economics


Environmental Economics (undergraduate)
Advanced Industrial Organisation (PhD)


Environmental & Energy Economics
Industrial Organisation
Applied Microeconomics in general


“Fine-particulate Air Pollution and Behaviorally Inclusive Mortality Impacts of China’s Winter Heating Policy, 2013-2018,” (with Q. Tang, J. Yang, P. Yin, and M. Zhou) Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 124, (2024) 102945

“Heat and Observed Economic Activity in the Rich Urban Tropics,” (with E. Fesselmeyer, H. Liu, and R. Simorangkir) Economic Journal, forthcoming

“Willingness to Fight on: Environmental Quality in Dynamic Contests,” (with H. Liu and J. Lu) RAND Journal of Economics, 54(2), (2023) pp. 189-239

“Adversity-Hope Hypothesis: Air Pollution Raises Daily Lottery Demand in China,” (with S. H. Chew and H. Liu) Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 62, (2021) pp. 247-280

“Declining Discount Rates in Singapore’s Market for Privately Developed Apartments,” (with E. Fesselmeyer and H. Liu) Journal of Applied Econometrics, 37(2), (2021) pp. 330-350

“Air Pollution as a Determinant of Food Delivery and Related Plastic Waste,” (with J. Chu and H. Liu) Nature Human Behaviour, 5, (2020) pp. 212-220

“Local Pollution as a Determinant of Residential Electricity Demand,” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 7(5), (2020) pp. 837-872. (This paper won the JAERE Best Paper Award for 2020, awarded by the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists)

“Severe Air Pollution and Labor Productivity: Evidence from Industrial Towns in China,” (with J. He and H. Liu) American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11(1), (2019) pp. 173-201

“Electrical Appliances Moderate Households’ Water Demand Response to Heat,” Nature Communications, 9(5408), (2018) pp.1-14

“Severe Air Pollution and Child Absences When Schools and Parents Respond,” (with H. Liu) Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 92, (2018) pp. 300-330

“External Effects of Diesel Trucks Circulating Inside the São Paulo Megacity,” (with J. He and N. Gouveia) Journal of the European Economic Association, 17(3), (2018) pp. 947-989

“Flexible Fuel Vehicles, Less Flexible Minded Consumers: Price Information Experiments at the Pump,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 92, (2018) pp. 194-221

“Reduced Ultrafine Particle Levels in São Paulo’s Atmosphere During Shifts from Gasoline to Ethanol Use,” (with J. Brito, P. Artaxo and F. M. Geiger) Nature Communications, 8(77), (2017) pp. 1-14

“Ethanol-Blended Gasoline Policy and Ozone Pollution in São Paulo,” (with Y. Wang) Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 4(3), (2017) pp.731-794

"The Rise of Fringe Competitors In the Wake of an Emerging Middle Class: An Empirical Analysis,” (with A. Eizenberg) American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(3), (2015) pp. 85-122

“Reduction in Local Ozone Levels in Urban São Paulo Due to a Shift from Ethanol to Gasoline Use,” (with F. M. Geiger) Nature Geoscience, 7(6) (2014), pp. 450-458

“Build It, But Will They Come? Evidence from Consumer Choice between Gasoline and Sugarcane Ethanol,” (with C.Huse) Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 66(2), (2013) pp. 251-279

“Consumer-Surplus-Enhancing Collusion and Trade,” (with G. Deltas and H. Vasconcelos RAND Journal of Economics, 43(2), (2012) pp. 315-328

“Is Arbitrage Tying the Price of Ethanol to that of Gasoline? Evidence from the Uptake of Flexible-Fuel Technology,'' (with C. Huse) Energy Journal, 32(3), (2011) pp. 119-148

“Inferring Market Power under the Threat of Entry: The Case of the Brazilian Cement Industry,” RAND Journal of Economics, 41(2), (2010) pp. 326-350. (An earlier version of this paper won an Antitrust Policy Award from the Brazilian Ministry of the Treasury in 2007)

“Trade Flows in a Spatial Oligopoly: Gravity Fits Well, But What Does it Explain?,” Canadian Journal of Economics, 43(1), (2010) pp. 63-96. (This paper won the Robert Mundell prize for the best article by a young economist published in 2010 in the Canadian Journal of Economics, awarded by the Canadian Economics Association.)

“Sequential Cross-border Mergers in Models of Oligopoly,” Economica, 77(306), (2010) pp. 352-383

“Cut-throat Fringe Competition in an Emerging Country Market: Tax Evasion or the Absence of Market Power?,” Journal of Industrial Economics, 57(4), (2009) pp. 677-711. (This paper won a Young Economists’ Essay Award from the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (in 2007).)

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