CHIA Ngee Choon

CHIA Ngee Choon

© NUS Dept of Economics | Photography by Lionel Lin

CHIA Ngee Choon

Associate Professor

PhD, University of Western Ontario

AS2 05-20
6516 6020
Curriculum Vitae


Public Finance
Microeconomic Theory
Topics in Economic Policy Analysis
Health Economics


Public Finance
Economics of Aging
Health Economics


"A General Equilibrium-Based Social Policy Model for Cote d'Ivoire", (with S. Wahba and J. Whalley) Poverty and Social Policy Series, Paper No.2, The World Bank, Washington, October 1992, 86 pp.

"The Tax Treatment of Financial Intermediation", (with J. Whalley), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1999, 31(4), 704-19

"A Numerical Example Showing Globally Welfare-Worsening Liberalization of International Trade in Banking Services", (with J Whalley), Journal of Policy Modeling, 1997, 19(2), 119-127

"Life Annuities of Compulsory Savings and Income Adequacy of the Elderly in Singapore," (with A. Tsui), Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 2003, 2(1), 41-65

"Medical Savings Accounts in Singapore: How much is adequate?" (with A. Tsui), Journal of Health Economics, 2005, 24(5), 855-875

"Singapore Chronicles: Central Provident Fund." Straits Times Press and Institute of Policy Studies, 2016. 107 pp.

"Nexus between Housing and Pension Policies in Singapore: Measuring Retirement Adequacy of the Central Provident Fund." (with A. Tsui),  Journal of Pension Economics and Finance,  February 2018, pp 1-27

"Using the Stochastic Health State Function to Forecast Healthcare Demand and Healthcare Financing: Evidence from Singapore." (with Loh SP),  Review of Development Economics 2018:1-24.