Pre-doc RA positions

The Economics Department and Business School hire full-time pre-doctoral ("pre-doc") research assistants each academic year. The exact details of each position are determined by the faculty member(s) hiring the pre-doc but the positions typically start around June-August and contracts are typically written for a year.

Pre-docs work full-time for one or several faculty members and get "hands-on" training in conducting cutting-edge research. The positions are excellent starting points for those looking to start a graduate program in Economics or related fields. Previous predocs have gone on to PhD programs at Princeton, Columbia, Stanford GSB, NYU, and NUS.

We are reviewing applications for pre-doc positions on a rolling basis. To apply for a pre-doc position, please fill out this form.

Anyone is welcome to register their interest for a pre-doc position, and different faculty members are looking for different skills and backgrounds, but in general, we are mostly interested in candidates with an undergraduate or master's degree in Economics or other quantitative social sciences, Computer Science, Data Science, or Mathematics/Physics/Engineering. We welcome applicants from any background or nationality.