Selected Publications


Banerjee S, Chen YC, Sun Y: Direct Implementation with Evidence, Theoretical Economics (Forthcoming)

Fernando A N, George SE: Peer pressure and discrimination: evidence from international cricket, Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization (Forthcoming)

Hanson G, Liu C: Immigration and Occupational Comparative Advantage, Journal of International Economics (Forthcoming)

Gong J, Png IPL: Automation Enables Specialization: Field Evidence, Management Science, 70(3), 1580-1595

Lanier J, Miao B, Quah JKH, Zhong S: Intertemporal Consumption with Risk: A Revealed Preference Analysis, Review of Economics and Statistics (Forthcoming)

Dziewulski P, Quah JKH: Comparative statics with linear objectives: normal demand, monotone marginal costs, and ranking multi-prior beliefs, Econometrica, 92(1), 167-200

Moriguchi C, Sng TH: The Size of Polities in Historical Political Economy, Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy (Forthcoming)

Seo J: Tie-Break Bootstrap for Nonparametric Rank Statistics, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 42(2), 615–627

Shin J: The Subversion of Shareholder Democracy and the Rise of Hedge-Fund Activism, Berkeley Business Law Journal (Forthcoming)

Chen N, Tsai HT: Steering via Algorithmic Recommendations, RAND Journal of Economics (Forthcoming)

Hagiu A, Wright J: Marketplace leakage, Management Science, 70(3), 1529-1553

Jin L, Tang R, Ye H, Yi J, Zhong S: Path Dependency in Physician Decisions, Review of Economic Studies (Forthcoming)