Graduate Studies in English Literature

The Department offers various opportunities for the advanced study of literature. Students can obtain a graduate degree through a fully taught coursework programme or through programmes that emphasize research leading up to an MA or PhD thesis.
Our faculty members have expertise in British and American literatures, in South Asian, Southeast Asian and other emerging anglophone literatures, in film and visual culture, and in critical and cultural theory. They are able to guide students in the study of a wide range of historical periods and interdisciplinary fields.
Principal learning methods are coursework, thesis writing and graduate seminars. Students engage in rigorous scholarly research and dialogue and immerse themselves in diverse critical methodologies. Through these means, they develop expertise in literary and cultural criticism.
Scholarships are available on a competitive basis, and research students receive financial support to attend at least one and sometimes two conferences. Opportunities for professional development exist in the annual, student-organised graduate conference each year, and the possibility of undergraduate teaching.
The Department offers three graduate degrees in English Literature: