Doctor of Philosophy in Theatre and Performance Studies

Comprising six taught courses, a Qualifying Examination, an 80,000 word thesis and an oral examination, the PhD in Theatre and Performance Studies offers students the opportunity to cement a comprehensive knowledge of the field, and to conduct original research into a specific aspect of it.
The maximum duration for both full-time and part-time study is 60 months. Those awarded an NUS scholarship are required to reside in Singapore during the duration of the scholarship award.
To obtain the degree of PhD (Theatre and Performance Studies), candidates will be required to:
- pass six courses, at least three of which must be at level 6000
In Theatre and Performance Studies, there are two compulsory modules: TS5101 (Text and Performance) and TS6770 (Graduate Research Seminar) - obtain a minimum Grade Point Averages (GPA) of 3.5 for all examinable courses. In order to continue in the PhD programme, a candidate must not have:
- a GPA of less than 3.5 for three consecutive semesters; or
- a GPA below 3.0 for two consecutive semesters.
- reside in Singapore for a minimum of 18 months of the candidature
- pass all components of the Qualifying Exam (QE)
- successfully complete and defend a thesis of not more than 80,000 words.
Supplementary activities
Students begin work with a dedicated thesis advisor on their research projects during the first year. Coursework can be complemented by teaching and research assistantships, where available. In addition, participation in reading groups, departmental seminars and the activities of faculty-level research clusters is encouraged. Attendance at international conferences provides excellent exposure to the wider research community, and some funds for this and for field work are available on a competitive basis under the Graduate Research Support Scheme.
For details on the components of the Qualifying Exam, thesis writing and PhD process, refer to the Graduate Handbook.