Introduction to Realist Evaluation for Social Services (March 2021)

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The course is designed to provide participants with an introduction to theories and concepts of realist evaluation.

In community development and other fields of practice, interventions are often described as being complex and have outcomes that are dependent on context and are challenging to evaluate. Realist evaluation can help make sense of the outcomes from these types of interventions. Instead of providing one-off verdicts on its success or failure by asking, “Does the intervention work?”, realist evaluation examines “What works, for whom, under what circumstances and why?”. Recognising that interventions do not work in the same way for everyone, everywhere, realist evaluation seeks to systematically develop and test theory, specifically the causal mechanisms that are activated in different contexts, leading to different outcomes. It is multi-method and draws on both quantitative and qualitative methods.



Dr Robyn Tan is a Research Fellow at the Social Service Research Centre (SSR), NUS. Her research interests include studying the implementation of policies, programmes and interventions. She has a keen interest in applying theory-driven evaluation approaches, particularly, the realist logic of inquiry in real world policy and service settings.

Course Fee

This course is SSG-approved. Participants who are Singaporeans or Singaporean Permanent Residents will be eligible for 70% of the course fees, excluding GST. Singaporean participants who are aged 40 years old and above will be eligible for higher subsidies of up to 90% of course fees. Participants are required to attend at least 75% of the course and obtain a pass grade for the required assignments. The table below shows the breakdown of the course fee payable.

Payment by interbank GIRO is preferred (For payment in Singapore Dollars and for Singapore
customers only).

Credit your payment to:

National University of Singapore,
DBS Account No.: 7171-032-0320003133

To ensure proper crediting to your account, please email (, mail or fax (Fax no.: 65-67786570) your payment advice to:

Office of Financial Services (Accounts Receivable)
University Hall, Tan Chin Tuan Wing
21 Lower Kent Ridge Road,
Singapore 119077

Full payment is chargeable for non-attendance, but replacement of participant is allowed.

Download programme information

Keen to find out more?

Tuesday, 09 March 2021

9.30 am - 5.00 pm
