Capability Development Service

SSR’s Research Capability Development Service provides research advisory service that is grounded and relevant to research practice in SSAs and in government, with the aim of building research capability of social workers and public service officers who engage in social service research.

Current Partner

Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities (THKMC)

In 2022, THK Family Services sought SSR’s research capability development service to provide research supervision and support to their social workers and research staff, with the aim of building in-house research capability. Examples of current research projects include evaluating a skills-based programme for families and a family violence intervention programme.

Past Partners

Fei Yue

Fei Yue has been SSR’s research capability development service partner since 2018. The scope of service includes providing research supervision and support to research staff. Through various research projects, SSR worked alongside both research staff and social workers and facilitated the use of different approaches, such as the theory of change and implementation science frameworks to promote evidence-based practice.

South Central Community Family Service Centre (SCCFSC)

SCCFSC is SSR's newest partner for research capability development service.

Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association (SANA)

Under the guidance of SSR, the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association (SANA) team conducted an evaluation of the Continuing Care Support Group programme to explore its impact on recovering clients. The insights generated from this evaluation will be instrumental in refining the programme, ultimately contributing to SANA's evidence-informed practice. Furthermore, the research capacity built through undertaking this evaluation will empower the team to engage in future research endeavours confidently and capably.

Blended Concept

Blended Concept is a social enterprise that focuses on learning and development to build learning capabilities for practitioners and social beneficiaries. In collaboration with the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS), the team is embarking on an innovative solution to develop digital, tech-able storybooks to support the learning needs of children with disabilities within the school and home setting. SSR's research capability development service provides research supervision to support the team's conduct of needs assessment to inform the design of the digital storybooks as well as monitoring and evaluation to study its efficacy.

TRANS Family Services

Through the Research Capability Development Service in 2021, SSR worked with social workers from TRANS Family Services on the use of literature review and administrative data to better understand the child-to-parent violence cases they see at their centres. Another project sought to support persons with mental health conditions in their recovery.

Lakeside Family Services

In 2019, Lakeside Family Services engaged SSR to build research capability of their social workers, in order to promote the greater use of research to inform practice. The research projects included evaluation of a children and youth holiday programme and a group intervention to improve financial literacy. Another project sought to understand the reasons for drop-out among youths from centre-based programmes and how to sustain their interest and motivation for participation.

Persatuan Pemudi Islam Singapura (PPIS)

After PPIS staff from the Research and Engagement Department completed SSR’s research mentoring programme in 2019, they continued to engage SSR for the research capability development service, specifically, for a survey study on understanding the aspirations of Malay Muslim women. Findings have guided the organisation to keep their programmes and services relevant for women across the different phases of their lives.

Credit Counselling Singapore

After Credit Counselling Singapore's staff completed SSR’s research mentoring programme in 2018, the organisation recognised the value-add of building and strengthening their in-house research capability. Through SSR’s research capability development service, the team conducted a needs assessment to understand unmet needs of their clients and improved the logic models of their existing programmes.

Learn more about SSR's Research Capability Development Service

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