SSR Seminar Series: Child Development Account Research and Policy: Planning, Implementation, and Impacts of a Large Social Experiment

Video Recording
This webinar will explore Child Development Accounts (CDAs) as an asset-building policy innovation. CDAs invest in all children for their future development. The SEED for Oklahoma Kids (SEED OK) policy experiment is applied CDA research with important findings and policy influence. Speakers will share insights from SEED OK research design, implementation, and results, assess policy impacts in the United States and other countries, and conclude with a global vision for CDA policy. Social work practitioners can use this knowledge to increase their understanding and interactions with CDAs and other asset-building policies in Singapore. Social policy makers can gain an understanding of the potential for CDAs to benefit all children, and build on Singapore’s leadership in asset-based social policy.

George Warren Brown
Distinguished University Professor,
Washington University in St. Louis,
Next Age Institute at
Washington University,
Center for Social Development
at Washington University

Saint Louis University
School of Social Work,
Research Professor,
Brown School at
Washington University in St. Louis,
Faculty Director,
Center for Social Development
at Washington University

Next Age Institute at
Washington University in St. Louis,
International Director,
Center for Social Development
at Washington University
Michael Sherraden, PhD, is the George Warren Brown Distinguished University Professor at Washington University in St. Louis, founding director of Washington University’s Center for Social Development, and founding director of Next Age Institute, a collaboration between Washington University and National University of Singapore, where he was the inaugural S.R. Nathan Professor of Social Work. In creating and testing innovations to improve well-being, Sherraden has defined and informed a growing body of applied research and policy to promote inclusion in asset building. This work has influenced numerous asset-based policies and programs in the U.S. and other countries, including Child Development Account policies. Sherraden has received the Distinguished Career Achievement Award from the Society for Social Work and Research, the Career Achievement Award from the Association for Community Organization and Social Administration, and numerous other honors. TIME magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world.
Jin Huang, PhD, is professor of social work at Saint Louis University, part-time research professor in the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis, and faculty director in Washington University’s Center for Social Development. He is a noted expert on research concerning asset-based social policy, global asset building, Child Development Accounts, financial capability, child and family development, programs and services for children with disabilities, and social policy in China. Within the U.S.-based Grand Challenges for Social Work initiative, Huang serves as co-lead of the network to Build Financial Capability and Assets For All. He is a prolific author whose work has been published in JAMA Pediatrics, Social Science and Medicine, American Journal of Public Health, Maternal and Child Nutrition, Social Service Review, Social Science Research, Social Work, British Journal of Social Work, and numerous other prominent journals.
Li Zou serves as Co-Director of the Next Age Institute (NAI), a collaboration between Washington University and National University of Singapore, and International Director of the Center for Social Development (CSD) at Washington University. Zou has spearheaded efforts of CSD and NAI to advance asset-building policies and Child Development Accounts worldwide. She has consulted for governments in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea, Singapore, and Azerbaijan. She has directed the 5-year $12.5 million YouthSave Project, which assisted over 150,000 youth in saving for asset building in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal. She has coedited three books: Inclusive Child Development Accounts: Toward Universality and Progressivity (Routledge, 2020, in English), Asset Building: Strategies and Policies in Asia (Peking University Press, 2014, in Chinese), and Asset-Building Policies and Innovations in Asia (Routledge, 2014, in English). Zou holds an MSW and an MBA from Washington University.

Department of Social Work,
Founding Director,
Social Service Research Centre,
National University of Singapore
Irene Y.H. Ng is an Associate Professor of Social Work and the Advisory Board and Steering Committee Chair of the Social Service Research Centre (SSR) in the National University of Singapore. She holds a joint Ph.D. in Social Work and Economics from the University of Michigan. Her research areas include poverty and inequality, intergenerational mobility, and social welfare policy. Her current research projects include a study of in-work poverty among the young; social safety nets in East Asia; and the development of universal digital access.
For enquiries, please contact Mr Tan Zhi Han.