Working with Low-income Families through the Life Course: Challenges to Social Services

Registration Fees
Register by 15 May 2019, GMT (UTC +8:00)
Register by 3 June 2019 , GMT (UTC +8:00)
*CPE Credits Participants are eligible for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits with the Singapore Association of Social Workers (SASW). One CPE credit will be awarded for each contact hour. Approval of CPE credits is to be submitted through the CPE Log Book under each accredited professional’s account.
*VCF Funding (Non-pre-approved Course) Local participants from voluntary welfare organisations can apply for VCF funding at least one month before the commencement, subjected to approval. The participant will pay for the full fee upfront to conference organizer and claim the reimbursement from the VCF secretariat upon successful application. Please refer to the website for more information.
More Information
Room: Auditorium [Level 2]