Evaluation of Transnational Family Support Programme


This study evaluates the efficacy of the Transnational Family Support Programme (TFSP) targeted at helping transnational couples in Singapore cope with their marital transition. This mixed method study involves both quantitative survey data collected from programme participants and qualitative data from focus group discussions with service providers, programme participants and volunteers.

The marital workshops are found to be effective in transferring marital knowledge to the participants. Our study highlights three aspects which could improve the effectiveness. First, the couples show strong interest in bread-and-butter/practical issues such as work and residency matters, parenting issues and community resources. These could be weaved into the content of the workshop. Second, participants may find it challenging to understand more abstract concepts such as models on building good relationships and communication techniques. Helping them to put the concepts to practice will be very helpful. Finally, communication barrier is the key challenge in conducting a workshop for transnational couples. Hence, good translated contents in various languages and/or good translators are crucial.

Key Facts

Lead Agency : Social Service Research Centre (SSR)

Principal Investigator :
Dr Ong Qiyan (SSR)

Research Team :
Dr Neo Yu Wei (SSR)
Ms Ting Yi Ting (SSR)

Partnering Agency

SSR Research Team

Dr Ong Qiyan
Dr Neo Yu Wei

Ms Ting Yi Ting