Charles WONG Kian Hoe 黄建豪


DPhil, University of Oxford

Tel: 65-6516-3989
Office: AS8/05-45
E-mail: Homepage:黄建豪

Courses Taught 开设课程

  • CH1101E Retelling Chinese Stories: Change and Continuity 经典故事的演变与继承
  • CH2291 Chinese Tradition 中国传统导论
  • CHC5336 The Military in Chinese History and Culture 中国军事历史与文化
  • GEH1070 Traditional Chinese Knowledge of Wealth and Well-being 传统中国的医疗与养生智慧

Research Interests 研究兴趣

  • Chinese Military Tradition 中国军事传统
  • Military Culture of the Ming Literati 明代士人尚武文化
  • Singapore Chinese 新加坡华人
  • Urban History 城市史