Seminars in Academic Year 2021/2022 Semester 1 CategoryAcademic Year 2020/2021 Semester 1Academic Year 2020/2021 Semester 2Academic Year 2021/2022 Semester 1Academic Year 2021/2022 Semester 2Academic Year 2022/2023 Semester 1Academic Year 2022/2023 Semester 2Academic Year 2023/2024 Semester 1Academic Year 2023/2024 Semester 2Academic Year 2024/2025 Semester 1Academic Year 2024/2025 Semester 2Applied Micro SeminarsEconometrics SeminarsJoint Econs - Business School SeminarsJoint Econs - DREJoint Econs - S&P SeminarsMacro SeminarsMicro/Theory SeminarsPast SeminarsPolitical Economy SeminarsSeminar SeriesTrade SeminarsVisible 15Dec2021‘Stuck in the Middle’ of Enforcement: (Sub-)Optimal Deterrence of Workplace Sabotage & The At...3pm to 4:30pmvia Zoom14Dec2021Startup Types, Structural Policy and Macroeconomic Performance in Europe; Vincent Sterk (Universi...5pm to 6:30pm via Zoom07Dec2021Optimal monetary policy in the presence of human capital depreciation during unemployment; Lien L...5pm to 6:30pmvia ZOOM03Dec2021Consumer Choice and the Cost of Inflation; Sephorah Mangin (ANU)10am to 11:30amvia ZOOM30Nov2021Why Didn’t the College Premium Rise Everywhere? Employment Protection and On-the-Job Investment i...10am to 11:30amvia ZOOM26Nov2021Consistent Local Spectrum (LCM) Inference for Predictive Return Regressions; Rasmus Tangsgaard Va...4pm to 5:30pmvia ZOOM25Nov2021Applied Economics Workshop; Brian Jacob (University of Michigan)via ZOOM23Nov2021This Time It’s Different: The Role of Women’s Employment in a Pandemic Recession; Michèle Tertilt...4pm to 5:30pmvia ZOOM18Nov2021The Digital Challenge to Public Libraries; Imke Reimers (Northeastern University)9am to 10:30am via ZOOM17Nov2021Formal Insurance and Altruism Networks; Yann Bramoullé (Aix-Marseille University)4pm to 5:30pmvia ZOOM16Nov2021Stabilization with Fiscal Policy; Narayana kocherlakota (University of Rochester)9am to 10:30am via ZOOM15Nov2021Testing Forecast Rationality for Measures of Central Tendency; Andew Patton (Duke University)8:30am to 10amvia ZOOM12Nov2021Inference and forecasting for continuous-time integer-valued trawl processes and their use in fin...4pm to 5:30pmvia ZOOM12Nov2021Firm Heterogeneity and Imperfect Competition in Global Production Networks; Hanwei Huang (City Un...1:30pm to 3pmvia ZOOM11Nov2021Private Input Suppliers as Information Agents for Technology Adoption in Agriculture; Kyle Emeric...8:30am to 10:00amvia ZOOM10Nov2021Information spillover in markets with heterogeneous traders; Heng Liu (University of Michigan)9am to 10:30am via ZOOM10Nov2021A Model of Censorship, Propaganda, and Repression; Scott GEHLBACH (University of Chicago)9am to 10:30am Joint ZOOM Seminar with HKBU, CEIBS, and National Taiwan University09Nov2021Efficient Redistribution with Consumption Taxes; Patrick Macnamara (University of Manchester)4pm to 5:30pmvia ZOOM03Nov2021Long-Term Competition for Product Awareness with Learning from Friends; Yang Huanxing (The Ohio S...9am to 10:30am via ZOOM02Nov2021Interest Rates, Moneyness, and the Fisher Equation; Lucas Herrenbrueck (Simon Fraser)10am to 11:30amvia ZOOM29Oct2021Uncertainty in Global Sourcing; Mario Larch (The University of Bayreuth)3pm to 4:30pmvia ZOOM (Joint webinar with LKY School, Yale NUS College)28Oct2021Do Cash Transfers Promoting Early Childhood Development Have Unintended Consequences on Fertility...4pm to 5:30pm via ZOOM26Oct2021Central Bank Digital Currency: A Corporate Finance Perspective; Mei Dong (University of Melbourne)4pm to 5:30pmvia ZOOM21Oct2021(Mis)allocation of Managerial Training Within the Firm; Achyuta Adhvaryu (University of Michigan)9am to 10:30amvia ZOOM20Oct2021Market-Minded Informational Intermediary: Unintended Welfare Loss and Market Stagnation; Yang Kai...9am to 10:30am via ZOOM19Oct2021The Global Financial Resource Curse; Luca Fornaro (Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional)4pm to 5:30pmvia ZOOM14Oct2021Mental Models and Learning: The Case of Base-Rate Neglect; Sevgi Yuksel (UC Santa Barbara)9am to 10:30am via ZOOM13Oct2021Repeated Resource Allocation; John Yiran Zhu (University of Kansas)9am to 10:30am via ZOOM12Oct2021Solving Heterogeneous Agent Models with the Master Equation; Adrien Bilal (Harvard University)9:30am to 11amvia ZOOM07Oct2021Weather, Climate Change and Death in India; Robin Burgess (LSE)4pm to 5:30pmvia ZOOM05Oct2021What Can Time-Series Regressions Tell Us About Policy Counterfactuals?" ; Alisdair McKay (Federal...9am to 10:30am via ZOOM04Oct2021Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs under Monotonicity; Soonwoo Kwon (Brown University)9am to 10:30am via ZOOM01Oct2021Inference on the dimension of the nonstationary subspace in functional time series; Morten Nielse...3pm to 4:30pmvia ZOOM30Sep2021Applied Economic Workshop; Ben Olken (MIT)29Sep2021Small Campaign Contributions; Julia CAGÉ (Sciences Po Paris)4pm to 5:30pm via Joint ZOOM Seminar with HKBU, CEIBS, and National Taiwan University29Sep2021Killer Acquisitions and Beyond: Policy Effects on Innovation Strategies; Igor Letina (University ...4pm to 5:30pmvia ZOOM28Sep2021Search, Screening and Sorting; Pieter Gautier (VU University amsterdam)4pm to 5:30pmvia ZOOM27Sep2021Heterogeneity and Aggregate Fluctuations; Frank Schorfheide (University of Pennsylvania)2pm to 3:30pmvia ZOOM24Sep2021Tracing the International Transmission of a Crisis Through Multinational Firms; Marcus Biermann (...3pm to 4pm via ZOOM (Joint webinar with LKY, Yale NUS)23Sep2021The nerds, the cool and the central. Peer education and teen pregnancy in Brazil ; Eliana La Fer...4pm to 5:30pm via ZOOM22Sep2021Learning with Limited Memory: Bayesianism vs Heuristics; Tai-Wei Hu (University of Bristol)4:30pm to 6pmvia ZOOM21Sep2021The Aging Hypothesis; Gauti Eggertsson (Brown University)9am to 10:30am via ZOOM16Sep2021Policy Diffusion and Polarization Across US States; Stefano DellaVigna (UC-Berkeley)9am to 10:30am via ZOOM15Sep2021Optimal Political Career Dynamics; Avidit Acharya (Stanford University)9am to 10:30am (Joint ZOOM Seminar with HKBU, CEIBS, and National Taiwan University)14Sep2021The Alpha Beta Gamma of the Labor Market; David Wiczer (Stony Brook University)10am to 11:30amvia ZOOM13Sep2021Two-Stage Maximum Score Estimators; Wayne Gao (University of Pennsylvania)9am to 10:30am via ZOOM10Sep2021The Impacts of AI, Robots, and Globalization on the Labor Market: Analysis of a Quantitative Gene...1:30pm to 3pmvia ZOOM 09Sep2021The Seeds Of Ideology: Historical Immigration And Political Preferences In The United States; Pao...9am to 10:30am via ZOOM 08Sep2021The Value of Data; Simone Galperti (University of California San Diego)10am to 11:30amvia ZOOM07Sep2021Efficiency gains from wealth taxation: A theoretical analysis; Ocampo Sergio (Western Ontario)9:30am to 11amvia ZOOM06Sep2021An Empirical Model of Quantity Discounts with Large Choice Sets; Ao Wang (University of Warwick)2:30pm to 4pmvia ZOOM02Sep2021Applied micro: Applied Economic Workshop; Jesse Rothstein (UC-Berkeley)via ZOOM01Sep2021Re-framing China: The Counter-Narrative Strategies of Chinese State Media on Twitter; Jennifer PA...9am to 10:30am via Joint ZOOM Seminar with HKBU, CEIBS, and National Taiwan University26Aug2021The Role Of Information In The Rosen-Roback Framework; Ran Song (Yale-NUS)4pm to 5:30pmLTBSR (AS2-03-12) - up to 17pax only25Aug2021Choosing Political Advisers; Francesco SQUINTANI (University of Warwick)4pm to 5:30pm via ZOOM Joint seminar with HKBU, CEIBS, and National Taiwan University19Aug2021Task Requirements, Time Requirements, and the Gender Gap in Jobs and Pay; Chinhui Juhn (Universit...08:30am to 10amVia ZOOM