Alumni Sharing Session: Economists and Investment Strategist

Dear Students, 

We are delighted to organize the LAST alumni sharing session for this semester.  We have invited three alumni to share their work experiences as economists and investment strategist.

Alumni Job Sharing Session

Thursday April 13th 2023

5 – 6.15 pm.


Our alumni are Dave Chia (Associate Economist, Moody’s Analytics), Tuan Ding Wei (Quantitative Investment Strategist, Bank of America) and Brian Tan (Senior Regional Economist, Barclays Bank PLC).



The guest speakers will be addressing the following questions at the session:

  1. How did you get your job? What could be the reasons you were hired?
  2. Which modules/activities that you took/participated at NUS that were useful and relevant in helping you secure the job?
  3. What is your job designation? What is your job scope? Which department are you in, and what segment of the market are you serving/ supporting?
  4. What do you do on a normal workday? Explain your job tasks.
  5. Who do you interact with in the organization, and why?
  6. Why and how do you interact with clients or external parties (if applicable)?
  7. What are the challenges faced so far, as an employee? How do you overcome these?
  8. What is your projected career path? What do you need to do to move to the next level?
  9. What do you think are important qualities and skill-set needed to succeed in this job and other aspects of life in the private sector?
  10. Highlight some tips for the undergraduates on getting a job relevant to your industry.


Here are their short bios.


1.        Dave Chia


Dave Chia (Class of 2020) is an Associate Economist with Moody’s Analytics, covering economies of South Korea, Cambodia and Macau. His role primarily involves conducting macroeconomic research and forecasting to provide insights on economic outlook. Dave graduated from NUS with a Bachelor of Social Science (Honours with Highest Distinction) in Economics. He is currently pursuing a Master of Applied Economics at NUS. In his leisure time, he enjoys sports such as running and attending fitness classes.


2.      Tuan Ding Wei

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Tuan Ding Wei (Class of 2021) is a Quantitative Investment Strategist at Bank of America. He is responsible for the innovation and marketing of systematic strategies on Commodities and FX asset classes. Systematic trading is a way of implementing investment and trading decisions through a rule-based methodology. This is opposite from discretionary strategies. Strategies could be based on research, statistics or simply observation. The role requires a strong background in programming and deep knowledge in financial markets and financial products. He likes that the role is a good combination of his interests in programming and finance. Moreover, he derives gratification from the discovery of new ideas and improving upon current strategies. Being in the finance industry is also about a good balance between work and life. Despite the usual long hours, he has the flexibility to take time off to the gym and have runs around the Marina Bay area. Ding Wei graduated from NUS with a Bachelor of Economics and Computer Science (First Class Honours, Highest Distinction) and Master of Science in Finance (Distinction) from Imperial College London, UK.


3.      Brian Tan

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Brian Tan is a Senior Regional Economist focusing on Southeast Asian economies including Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia at Barclays Bank PLC. He helps traders, investors, and businesses understand the latest macroeconomic developments, how these are likely to evolve going forward, and what these mean for financial markets. Prior to joining Barclays in 2018, he was a Southeast Asian Economist at Nomura and a Senior Research Associate at Citi. Brian graduated with a Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) as part of NUS's Class of 2010, in which he was only reading Economics as an excuse to remain a full-time resident of Kent Ridge Hall.




We look forward to your participation!!!


Best Regards, 


Dr. Connie CHUNG and Dr. MUN Lai Yoke

Department of Economics

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