Alumni Sharing Session: Working in the Public Sector II

Dear Students,

Happy Lunar New Year!

Many of you have expressed an interest to find out more about careers in the public sector, especially after the Alumni Sharing Events in Semester 1.  Thus, we take great pleasure in bringing you:

Alumni Job Sharing Session – Public Sector II,

17 February (Thursday),

5 – 6.15 pm,

where three alumni currently working in the public sector will share their experience.


Our alumni are Leanne Tan from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Tan Hui Ying from the Economic Development Board (EDB), and Kevin Tan from the Ministry of Education (MOE).

MOE is on a recruitment drive, and would like to invite all interested final year students to apply.  If you are interested to join MOE as an Economics teacher, find out more at and  Application window is from 14 to 27 Feb 2022.


The three speakers will be addressing the following questions at the session:

  1. How did you get your job? What could be the reasons you were hired?
  2. Which modules/activities that you took/participated at NUS that were useful and relevant in helping you secure the job?
  3. What is your job designation? What is your job scope? Which department are you in, and what segment of the market are you serving/ supporting?
  4. What do you do on a normal workday? Explain your job tasks.
  5. Who do you interact with in the organization, and why?
  6. Why and how do you interact with clients or external parties (if applicable)?
  7. What are the challenges faced so far, as an early or mid-career employee?  How do you overcome these?
  8. What is your projected career path? What do you need to do to move to the next level?
  9. What do you think are important qualities and skill-set needed to succeed in this job and other aspects of life in the public sector?
  10. Highlight some tips for the undergraduates on getting a job during this pandemic time.


Here are their short bios and LinkedIn contacts.

Leanne Tan (Class of 2018) is an Analyst at the National Population & Talent Division, under the Strategy Group, Prime Minister’s Office. Together with her team, she works on policy reviews and research to drive and coordinate Singapore’s immediate and longer-term population strategies. At work, she’s associated with working across multiple screens, and an avid drinker of bubble tea/coffee. In her free time, she enjoys watching shows online and taking pictures.


Tan Hui Ying (Class of 2020) is currently Senior Associate at Digital Industry Singapore (DISG) – a joint office of the Economic Development Board (EDB), Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA). As part of DISG’s mandate to develop Singapore’s tech ecosystem, she oversees the growth and partnership opportunities with global MNCs in the Enterprise Technology space.  Outside of work, Hui Ying is an avid photographer and nature lover. On weekends, you can find her cycling or marking out new running routes on Strava.


Kevin Tan (Class of 2005) is the School Staff Developer at Eunoia Junior College, where he oversees the development and wellbeing of the college staff. Before joining the teaching profession, he was a naval officer in the Republic of Singapore Navy. Kevin received the Economic Society of Singapore’s Outstanding Economics Teacher Award in 2021. He spends his free time with his dear family but on occasions, Liverpool Football Club takes precedence.



We look forward to your participation!!


Best Regards,

Dr. Connie CHUNG and Dr. MUN Lai Yoke

Department of Economics


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