
Undergraduate Graduation - NUS Economics

Notable Alumni

NUS Economics is proud to count distinguished alumni among its graduates. Our alumni include prominent government leaders such as Goh Chok Tong (Class of 1964), the second Prime Minister of Singapore, S. Dhanabalan (Class of 1960), a former Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Josephine Teo (Class of 1991), the current Minister of Communications and Information. Other notable alumni include Lim Chong Yah (Class of 1955), a former chairman of the National Wage Council and Professor Emeritus at NUS, Ho Kwon Ping (Class of 1964), Executive Chairman of Banyan Tree Holdings, and Ravi Menon (Class of 1987), former Managing Director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. In the following video, Ravi Menon shares his experiences as an undergraduate student in our department:

Why Economics?

While economics is often associated with financial markets, recessions and inflation, there is in fact much more to the discipline. In Economics, students learn theories of how individuals and firms make optimal decisions. They learn how markets work, when markets fail, and the roles institutions can play to improve markets and societal well-being.

Economics majors graduate with the ability to understand and analyse markets. They can provide governments with insights on how to shape policy. Economics majors also learn statistical tools that enable them to extract key information from data and make forecasts.

What’s special about the NUS Economics Undergraduate Programme?

The NUS Economics Undergraduate Programme is well-rounded and rigorous. Our programme emphasizes analytical skills like critical thinking and data analysis. Also, students also have the opportunity to hone other skills including programming and oral and written communication. Here are five other strengths that our undergraduate programme has to offer:

An Interdisciplinary Education

Students receive an interdisciplinary education through the College of Humanities and Sciences common curriculum.  Economics also features as a main component in two cross-disciplinary programmes:

In addition, students have the option to study economics as a primary major, a second major, a minor, or as part of one of the following double degree programmes:


Global Opportunities

Students can spend up to a year abroad as part of the student exchange programme. Students can choose from over 180 partner universities around the world.

Economics students can also major in Economics in special degree programmes with the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (USA) or with Sciences Po (France).

The university also provides a host of other international opportunities, including the NUS Overseas Colleges and programmes through the Global Relations Office.

Joris Mueller (standing) with his research assistants (from left to right) Yuqi, Jing Yi, Nicole, Chuyue and Zhiyao
Joris Mueller (standing) with his research assistants (from left to right) Yuqi, Jing Yi, Nicole, Chuyue and Zhiyao

Excellent Career Placement

Economics graduates are equipped with analytical skills and statistical proficiencies that make them well-suited to a wide range of roles and industries. In government, our graduates have been employed as economists, planners and policy managers in various ministries and statutory boards, such as the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Enterprise Singapore and the Central Provident Fund Board.

Our graduates have placed in the banking and finance sectors in roles such as management associates, risk analysts and financial analysts. They have also placed in technology firms in roles such as business development strategists, marketing managers and data analysts. Our graduates are also employed in many other sectors, including consulting, education, health and retail.

Also, many of our graduates have pursued postgraduate studies locally and abroad, both in economics and in other fields such as business analytics, psychology, and public policy. Whatever our students may choose to pursue after graduation, we see our role as the same: to encourage their intellectual development by exposing them to the analytical frameworks and insights of economics.


A wide variety of electives and specializations

Our diverse faculty offer courses on a wide variety of topics, including machine learning, digital platforms and economic history. Click here to view our current course offerings.

Students can also choose to graduate with specialisations in:

  • Quantitative Economics
  • Monetary and Financial Economics
  • Applied and Policy Economics
Gavin Teh skydiving in New Zealand while on student exchange
Gavin Teh skydiving in New Zealand while on student exchange

Research Opportunities

Students can engage in individual research with one-on-one faculty supervision by completing an Honours Thesis or Independent Study Course.

Many faculty also offer paid Research Assistantships which allow students to both work and gain experience in academic research.

Janson Seah (Class of 2018), co-founded StaffAny with three friends that he met through the NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) Programme.
Janson Seah (Class of 2018), co-founded StaffAny with three friends that he met through the NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) Programme.