Leong Yee Ting (Ms)

Leong Yee Ting

Proposed Thesis Title: Fleeting Feminisms: Chinese-Speaking Women Activists, The Left and Anti-Colonialism in Singapore, 1950 to 1963
Supervisor: Assistant Professor Seng Guo Quan

My interest lies broadly in the intersection of gender, colonialism and modernity in the 19th and 20th centuries in Southeast Asia. My proposed M.A. research project aims to foreground women and gender in Singapore’s nationalist movement. My goals are two-fold: Firstly, I hope to shed light on the politically active Chinese-speaking women who have been ‘doubly’ marginalised in the current historiography due to their gender and left-wing political inclinations. Secondly and more importantly, I hope to use the concept of gender to pose questions that can help historians reimagine anti-colonial politics in Singapore. Beyond politics, I am interested in how gender interacted with other factors such as class, labour, education and language in that period.

Previously, I had spent three intellectually fulfilling years pursuing a B.A. in History degree at the University of Oxford and another three challenging years in the corporate world. As a deep believer in the public value of history, I also volunteer with the Singapore Heritage Society, and designed and led a walking tour themed on Samsui women with the National Heritage Board.

Outside history, I can be found practicing Ashtanga yoga, learning Indonesian and cycling outdoors. I can be reached at leong.yeeting@u.nus.edu