Albert Lau

Having graduated from the University of Singapore with a B.A. Honours (First Class) in history, I joined the Department of History at the National University of Singapore and completed my PhD at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, in 1986. Since then, I've been teaching courses on imperialism and decolonization and the international history of Southeast Asia and Malaysian/Singapore history at both undergraduate and graduate levels. My research interests focus on Malaysian and Singapore's constitutional and political history, and my most recent book is A Moment of Anguish: Singapore in Malaysia and the Politics of Disengagement (Times Academic Press, 1998). I've also published The Malayan Union Controversy (Oxford University Press, 1991). Occasionally on weekends, I dabble in cooking because my children think I make the best lasagna in town. I'm just glad they like it.

  • A Moment of Anguish: Singapore in Malaysia and the Politics of Disengagement, Times Media
  • The Malayan Union Controversy, 1942-1948 (South-East Asian Historical Monographs), Oxford University Press, 1991