Goh Seng Chuan Joshua (Mr)

Goh Seng Chuan Joshua

Proposed Thesis Title: A Publicly Private Place: Restaurants and the Self-fashioning of Alternate Publics in Singapore, 1950s - 1980s
Supervisor: Associate Professor Lee Seung-Joon

Joshua Goh is a second-year graduate student pursuing a Master of Arts in History at the Faculty of Arts of Social Sciences, National University of Singapore. His current research project examines the history of dining in Singapore between 1880 to 1980 by looking beyond the well-known institution of the hawker centre to consider eating culture in restaurants, canteens, cafes and coffeeshops. A believer in the importance of public history, Joshua volunteers as a museum host and docent, and also leads heritage tours of national monuments in his free time. As an undergraduate, Joshua majored in History and Geography, and he continues to contribute in his own small way to ongoing dialogues about the past and its relationship to the present. He is also the department’s Graduate Student Representative for Academic Year 2020/2021.