Kelvin Lawrence

I graduated from NUS with an honours degree in History in 2004. Having thoroughly enjoyed my student experiences at the department, I immediately returned to pursue an MA that gave me the opportunity to reimagine the intellectual life of a prominent Malay figure of the nineteenth century. This gave me the confidence to eventually attempt a Ph. D at the Australian National University (2009-2013), focusing on four seminal Malay intellectual figures from the nineteenth and twentieth (pre-war) centuries. My interests in Southeast Asian history, more specifically Malay history, intellectual history, cultural history and social history, were initially nurtured here at the NUS History Department and it is wonderful to be back to share these interests with all who may be interested. Outside of work, I treasure the pockets of time I spend with my wife and two young children. I love reading in general and try to do as much of this as possible whilst also indulging my great love for sports. I follow many sports quite closely with cricket, soccer, NBA basketball and track and field at the top of the list. I run quite regularly and dream of completing marathons (or at least half-marathons) on different continents.

  • History of the Malay World
  • Intellectual History
  • Social History
  • Cultural History