Li Huiyuan Ian (Mr)

Proposed Thesis Title: Decision-Making in the Defence of the Malay Barrier/Military History
Supervisor: Professor Brian Farrell
History is something that has always fascinated me, particularly periods that revolve around conflicts and wars. Therefore, after almost ten years as a HR practitioner, I felt that it was time to take the leap and formally immerse myself in this field of study.
As a Singaporean, the Malaya Campaign is a topic that is of personal interest, and countless authors have gone to great lengths to explain the causes behind the disastrous Allied collapse in the face of the Japanese advance. However, while many historical narratives tend to look at the Malayan Campaign in isolation, it was actually part of a larger coalition effort to defend the Malay Barrier, which comprised of not only British Malaya and Singapore, but also the Netherlands East Indies. Looking at the campaign from the broader perspective, would the usual assumptions then still apply? At the same time, how would one interpret the mind-set and rationale that underpinned the major decisions made by key strategic thinkers on the Allied side? These are questions that I hope will be answered during the course of my research.
Outside of studies and work, I enjoy watching or playing a game of soccer and watching movies, particularly of the war or action genre.