Tay Yu Xuan (Mr)

Tay Yu Xuan (MA)

Proposed Thesis Title: Changing Times of Tang: A study on the transition of political legitimization discourse through the imperial prefaces
Supervisor: Associate Professor Wang Jinping

I am fascinated by prominent premodern entities competing with each other in shaping religious traditions. I am especially intrigued by how the Chinese imperial state had an enormous influence over the interpretation of religious traditions in the premodern Chinese world. This is why I pursued a B.A. in History with a Second Major in Chinese in NTU History and graduated with Honors (Highest Distinction).

With the generous funding of the FASS Scholarship in Buddhist Studies, I am grateful to pursue my Master’s program in NUS History and continue my investigation into the delicate relationship between the imperial states and various religious traditions in medieval China (c.7th century–c.12th century).

In my free time, I tweet about everything under the (academic) sun at @yuxuan_tay. I hope to play guqin and write brush calligraphy masterfully one day.