Single Major


What do you need?

Cohort 2021 onwards

Single Major [B.A. (Hons)]

Pass at least 60 Units of SN courses or SN-recognised courses (including Tamil or Hindi language courses), which include:

  1. SN1101E
  2. a minimum of 36 Units of SN courses
  3. a minimum of 36 Units at level-3000 or higher with
    1. a minimum of 20 Units at level-4000 or higher
  4. a maximum of 1 SN or SN-recognised course at level 5000 (subject to department’s approval)
  5. a maximum of 8 Units of Tamil or Hindi track language courses offered by CLS (See Note 1)

Note 1:
Language training is not a compulsory requirement for obtaining Major or 2nd Major in South Asian Studies.

Cohort 2016 to 2020