
Dive into South Asia like never before with South Asian Studies Programme (SASP) – the only one of its kind in ASEAN! From exploring cultural vibes to uncovering the connections between South Asia and Southeast Asia, this program has it all.
Launched in '99, we're all about deep dives into the rich history and vibrant diaspora of South Asia. Ready to be part of the journey?

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January 6, 2022

Winners of AY2020-21 Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards Unveiled

The NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is proud to announce the 37 winners of the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award for their work in AY2020‐21, 16 of which have also been nominated for the Annual Teaching Excellence Award(ATEA) and Annual Digital Education Award (ADEA).

January 3, 2022

FASS Announces New Additions to Leadership Team

The NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is pleased to announce the most recent appointments to the Faculty’s leadership team.

December 21, 2021

NUS Bags Major PR Award for College of Humanities and Sciences Campaign

One year since the official inauguration of the NUS College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS), the publicity campaign for the new College has gained recognition at the recent Public Relations in the Service of Mankind (PRISM) Awards. The University bagged a Distinction Award in the category “Outstanding Campaign by a Non-Government Organisation or Not-For-Profit Organisation” for …

NUS Bags Major PR Award for College of Humanities and Sciences Campaign Read More »

December 8, 2021

An Interview with Emeritus Prof S. Vasoo and Assoc Prof Winston Goh on The Strange Start of Psychology at the National University of Singapore

The Strange Start of Psychology at the National University of Singapore (NUS Department of Psychology, 2021), showcases the history of the NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences’ Department of Psychology, Singapore’s oldest psychology programme. The programme, which kicked off during the 86/87 academic year at the Department of Social Work (renamed the Department of …

An Interview with Emeritus Prof S. Vasoo and Assoc Prof Winston Goh on The Strange Start of Psychology at the National University of Singapore Read More »

October 1, 2021

NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 18th Dean Takes Office

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Professor Lionel Wee, and other members of the Deanery take on their leadership roles today.

August 13, 2021

New NUS Dean of Arts and Social Sciences Appointed

Professor Lionel Wee will be appointed the new dean of the NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) and co-dean of the College of Humanities and Sciences from 1 October 2021.