Recognised Courses


Recognised courses for SN major

Department of Economics
EC3378 Emerging India in Asia's Economic Integration
Department of English, Linguistics & Theatre Studies
EN4266 or EN4266HM South Asian Literatures in English
TS2232 Staging Asian Theatres
Department of Geography
GE2101 Methods & Practices in Geography
GE4202 or GE4202HM Remaking the Global Economy
GE4213 or GE4213HM Cultural Geographies
Department of History
AH2203 Empire and Art in India, Singapore, Malaya
HY2258 Passage to India: Modern Indian Society
HY4222 or HY4222HM Asian Business History: Case Studies
HY4230 or HY4230HM Historiography and Historical Method
HY4239 or HY4239HM History of Gender in India
Department of Japanese Studies
JS4232 or JS4232HM FDI and Local Development: Japanese Firms in Asia
Centre for Language Studies
LAH1201 Hindi 1
LAH2201 Hindi 2
LAH3201 Hindi 3
LAH3202 Hindi 4
Hindi 5
Hindi 6
LAL1201 Tamil 1
LAL2201 Tamil 2
Department of Malay Studies
MS4204 or MS4204HM The Malay Middle Class
Department of Communications and New Media
NM4213 or NM4213HM Digital Economies
Department of Political Science
PS2247 South Asian Politics
PS2249 Government and Politics of Singapore
PS3257 Political Inquiry
PS4214 Politics, Art & Popular Culture
Department of Southeast Asian Studies
SE4212 or SE4212HM Elites of Southeast Asia
SE4218 or SE4218HM Majorities and Minorities in Southeast Asia
SE4221 or SE4221HM Southeast Asian Postcolonialism
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