CLaSIC 2016

The Seventh CLS International Conference CLaSIC 2016



CLaSIC 2016

Welcome Message

Dr.Cheong Lee Peng

Dear colleagues and friends,

On behalf of the organizing committee, I am delighted to invite you to the 7th CLS International Conference CLaSIC 2016 to be held at the National University of Singapore from 1st to 3rd Dec 2016. The theme of the conference will be Learning in and beyond the classroom: Ubiquity in foreign language education. We are honoured to have the following academics as our keynote speakers:

1. Hermann Funk (University of Jena, Germany)
2 .Agnes Kukulska-Hulme (The Open University, UK)
3. Shinji Sato (Princeton University, USA)
4. Glenn Stockwell (Waseda University, Japan)

To those who have attended CLaSIC before, we look forward to welcoming you back. To new participants, you are most welcome to join our CLaSIC family of Foreign Language Education specialists. We hope to see you all here in December!

Cheong Lee Peng

Keynote Speakers

(Click here for biodata)

Hermann Funk
University of Jena, Germany

Agnes Kukulska-Hulme
The Open University, UK.

Shinji Sato
Princeton University, USA.

Glenn Stockwell
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

About the Theme

Learning in and beyond the classroom: Ubiquity in foreign language education

In the current educational landscape, learning has become a multifaceted experience that transcends spatial, temporal and cultural barriers. At many centres of foreign language learning, educators have similarly been seeking to push the boundaries of teaching and learning space to beyond the traditional confines of the school and the classroom. Learning activities and interactions are today often a combination of synchronous and asynchronous experiences, including various forms of onsite and offsite curricular activities, and virtual interactions in the digital world. Furthermore, learning is no longer restricted to print materials, as ubiquitous computing has enabled easy and immediate access to seemingly limitless electronic resources for foreign language teaching and learning. Acknowledging such trends in foreign language education, our conference theme invokes the term ‘ubiquity’ to refer to a seamless continuum of learning experiences across formal and informal learning situations, as well as technology and non-technology based learning interactions in and beyond the classroom. CLaSIC 2016 provides a platform for researchers, scholars and practitioners in foreign language education for an invigorating discourse on theoretical conceptions and approaches, research insights, and practical experiences from the various sub-fields and sub-themes listed below, as they pertain to teaching and learning in the ubiquitous age.


The Organising Committee thus invites proposals for paper and poster presentations on related to the following areas of Ubiquity in foreign language education:

  • Learning theories and ubiquitous learning (sociocultural theories of learning, Connectivism, Constructivism, etc.)
  • Formal and informal learning
  • Situated and project-based learning
  • Technology and ubiquitous learning (mobile technologies, Web 2.0, CMC, MOOCs, etc.)
  • Blended learning
  • Instructional approaches and methods
  • Curriculum and materials development
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Study abroad and in-country language immersion
  • Teacher education and development
  • Autonomy, self-direction and motivation
  • Individualisation and differentiation of learning
  • Learning strategies and learning management
  • Other topics

Click here to submit your proposal online.

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