NUS Political Science hosts Indonesian delegation for Information Session

NUS Political Science hosts Indonesian delegation for Information Session

February 21, 2024

On the 5th of February, 2024, the Department of Political Science at the National University of Singapore (NUS), alongside the Political Science Society of NUS (PSSOC), invited a delegation comprising over 130 students and educators from SMA Sabilillah Malang School, Indonesia. The prestigious boarding high school’s visit was part of a broader initiative to promote international academic exchange and dialogue, reflecting a commitment to fostering a profound community of learners and thinkers.

Associate Professor Bilveer Singh, Deputy Head of the NUS Political Science Department, delivering his opening address.

The event commenced with insightful opening addresses from Associate Professor Bilveer Singh, Deputy Head of the NUS Political Science Department; Ibu Fatimatus Syifa’, Guru SMA Sabilillah Malang; and Ethan Naidu, the President of PSSOC. These addresses not only welcomed the visiting delegation but also underscored the significance of such international engagements in promoting mutual understanding and cooperation across borders.

Token of Appreciation Presentation.

A central feature of the visit was the detailed information session led by Professor Singh, who outlined the scope and structure of Political Science as a field of study at NUS. He elaborated on the curriculum offered by the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS), highlighting the diverse opportunities available to students pursuing Political Science. The interactive question-and-answer segment provided the Indonesian students with a nuanced understanding of the academic rigour and interdisciplinary approach that defines the Political Science programme at NUS.

Large delegation photo of SMA Sabilillah Malang with NUS Political Science.

Following the information session, the delegation embarked on a tour of the NUS campus, splitting into smaller groups to explore various facilities and engage in discussions with PSSOC members. These interactions allowed the students from SMA Sabilillah Malang to share their perspectives and learn from their Singaporean counterparts, fostering a rich cultural and intellectual exchange. The importance of such exchanges was evident, as they not only broaden students’ horizons but also contribute to a deeper appreciation of diverse worldviews and the complexities of global issues.

This visit is a testament to PSSOC’s ongoing dedication to international exchange, an ethos that has previously led the organisation to engage in various cross-cultural initiatives. Notably, in 2022, PSSOC members visited Jakarta, participating in cultural exchanges at HIMAHI University and Universitas Indonesia (UI) and attending a foreign policy summit (FPCI Chapter UI). Furthermore, in August 2023, PSSOC welcomed a delegation from the University of Tokyo’s Multilateral Interaction with Students (MIS), facilitating dialogues on pressing issues and sharing diverse cultural perspectives.

Large delegation photo at Town Green, NUS University Town.

The day concluded at University Town, wrapping up an eventful visit that underscored the mutual benefits of international academic exchanges. As the SMA Sabilillah Malang delegation departed, both the NUS Political Science Department and PSSOC expressed their hope for ongoing collaboration and future engagements. This aspiration for continued interaction highlights a recognition of the critical role such exchanges play in not only enhancing educational experiences but also in contributing to the development of informed, globally aware citizens.

This article was written by the Political Science Society of NUS (PSSOC).