NUS Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Cares for its Community

Our FASS community is a diverse and caring group of students, teaching and administrative staff who strive to maintain a safe, respectful and healthy environment for one another, regardless of race and ethnicity, religion, gender identity and gender expression, sexual orientation, age or whether one has a disability. If you ever need help or find yourself in distress, we will always support you. Equally, FASS does not condone any forms of bullying or harassment. We take a very serious view of such offences and will deal with them accordingly. FASS and NUS as a whole have a number of dedicated advisory, consultation, support, security and emergency services you can access.

Student Mentoring and Academic Counselling

Student mentors are teaching faculty who work closely with the Dean's Office to help students in difficulty. Starting in 2006, the Mentors and the Dean's Office have worked together to identify and counsel students in the Department with low GPA/SJAP. Mentors help walk the student through problems that may be related to family, finance or adjustment to University Life. They listen to the student, suggest ideas, and advise students on a confidential basis.

For more details on financial assistance schemes available in NUS, please refer to:

Respect and Consent Matters

Any student who wishes to discuss issues of sexual misconduct on campus can approach faculty contact points Prof Elaine Ho at, A/P Bilveer Singh at

For more info, please refer to this link: