The National University of Singapore (NUS) invites talented young academics with excellent research track records in the fields of business, economics, law, arts, humanities, and social sciences to apply for appointments as NUS Presidential Young Professors.
Applications for NUS Presidential Young Professorship are open throughout the year. Interested applicants are welcome to send their CVs and other supporting documents to You can also contact us at the same e-mail address if you require more information.

Please note that only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Posting 2: Lecturer in Comparative Politics
The Department of Political Science at the National University of Singapore invites applications for one full-time educator-track position in Comparative Politics at the rank of Lecturer. We welcome applications from candidates working in all areas of the subfield. We especially welcome applications from candidates with Asia-related research programmes. Candidates who have interest in and are comfortable teaching political science methodology (qualitative and/or quantitative) will be preferred.
Candidates should submit a letter of application detailing research and teaching interests and expertise; curriculum vitae; publications or other writing samples; three letters of recommendation; and a teaching portfolio comprising a teaching statement, sample syllabi, teaching evaluations, and/or other evidence of teaching quality. We will begin to review applications on 1 October 2023 and continue until the search is complete. Application materials should be sent to the Chair of the Search Committee at
The teaching load is six modules per academic year (three per semester). Lectureship at NUS is a career position open to advancement to open-contracted Associate Professor and Professor appointments. Initial appointment is for three years and is renewable on an ongoing basis. Compensation and benefits are competitive and includes eligibility for annual performance bonus and salary increment, subsidized housing, medical benefits, and substantial research support.
Please note that only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Posting 3: Associate Professor in International Relations
The Department of Political Science at the National University of Singapore invites application for one full-time tenure-track or tenured position in International Relations at the rank of full Professor or Associate Professor. We welcome applications from candidates working in all areas of the subfield, and we especially welcome applications from candidates with Asia-related research. Candidates should submit a letter of application detailing research and teaching interests as well as leadership experience; curriculum vitae; up to three writing samples; four references; and teaching evaluations and materials if available. Review of applications on 1 October 2023 and continue until the search is complete. Application materials should be sent to the Chair of the Search Committee at
The teaching load is three modules per academic year. Compensation is competitive and includes eligibility for annual performance bonus and salary increment, subsidized housing, medical benefits, and substantial research support.
Please note that only short-listed candidates will be notified.