Studying Political Science

Prospective Undergraduate Students seeking admission into NUS for our undergraduate programmes, please refer to the NUS Office of Admissions website for more details on how to apply for undergraduate admissions: http://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/
The department does not handle Undergraduate Admissions.
To prepare students for the modules in Political Science, please refer to the Guide to Reading Political Science Modules for Undergraduates. This guide is extremely helpful if it is your first time reading Political Science modules. You should refer to it throughout the semester as you write essays, prepare tutorial presentations, and get ready to sit for final exams.
Current NUS undergraduates could also check out the library guide at http://libguides.nus.edu.sg/polsci for a selective list of materials that are most useful for locating information in Political Science.
For information pertaining to general undergraduate policies (student exchange), exercises (module conversion, leave of absence), requirements (graduation, modular system) etc, kindly refer to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences website.