Political Science Society (PSSOC)



The National University of Singapore Political Science Society (PSSOC) was founded in 1967, mainly for the benefit of undergraduates majoring in Political Science at NUS. The Society serves as a bridge between students and staff of the Department. It also seeks to raise awareness about current issues among the student population.

Apart from being one of the student societies in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, PSSOC has been registered with the Registry of Societies of Singapore since 1969. It is formed by students of the NUS and is a self-governing body.

Annual Events by PSSOC



The Annual General Meeting, held in September annually, aims to receive and consider the Society's report for the Academic Year, audited financial statements for the Financial Year and the report of the Honorary Auditors thereon. It also aims to elect contested constitutional positions in the subsequent Executive Committee.

Welfare Week (Sem 1 & 2)

Welfare Week is a traditional semesterly initiative to give back to the Political Science community. It aims to boost the morale of Political Science undergraduates during the examination period, to foster a greater sense of connection between undergraduates, PSSOC and the larger Political Science community.

Welfare Week
90 Percent


NinetyPercent aims to foster vibrant academic discussions on Singapore’s past, present and future to enhance the political cognisance of youths today. It was founded on principles of respect and rigour for the benefit of the student body.

Singapore Model United Nations (SMUN)

As Singapore's flagship Model United Nations conference, SMUN provides a premier platform for youths around the region to engage in rigorous and enriching debate on pertinent world issues. The conference is committed to providing delegates with a taste of international diplomacy through simulations of UN committees and other bodies.


Singapore Undergraduate Policy Competition (SUPC)

SUPC is an initiative conceptualised and organised by PSSOC to expose undergraduates to public policy formulation whilst giving them the opportunity to present their policy proposals to academics and senior government officials in a competitive setting with other teams.


Singapore Foreign Policy Dialogue (SFPD)

The Singapore Foreign Policy Dialogue aims to allow students to better understand Singapore’s foreign policy decisions from experts in the field and provide them with a platform to engage in insightful dialogue and discussions in this aspect.


Political Science Camp

The Political Science Camp is an annual freshmen orientation camp held over the summer break. Through academic talks and sharing sessions, as well as bonding activities, the camp aims to provide an avenue for freshmen to find their footing within the Political Science community both socially and academically.

ps camp

Ad-Hoc Events


Diplomatic Exchange

As an academic society, PSSOC aims to initiate diplomatic exchanges with international student societies and organisations. These interactions enable our student volunteers to deepen their comprehension of global geopolitical challenges and contemplate their responsibilities as emerging youth leaders and advocates in an interconnected world.

Alumni Networking

PSSOC is eager to work with our alumni to gain insights into postgraduate programmes, job opportunities and potential career pathways. These sharing sessions are beneficial for undergraduates who have similar interests and are also reassuring as the advice comes from alumni who have navigated similar undergraduate journeys.

Alumni Networking

Our Resources

Course Guidebook

The Course Guidebook aims to help students in their decision-making process when selecting academic courses for the following semester. By consolidating course information and posing specific questions to professors on behalf of the student body, the Course Guidebook provides a comprehensive overview on what each course entails and addresses potential queries.

Click HERE to access the Course Guidebook 


PostScript is the semesterly student publication of PSSOC, providing commentary on current affairs as well as updates on the Society’s events and activities. 

Click HERE to access PSSOC’s Publications Blog. 

Connect with PSSOC

Click HERE to access PSSOC’s socials and sign up as a PSSOC member!