Graduation Requirements (after AY2021)

First Major

Cohort 2021 onwards (60 Units)
Pass at least 60 Units of GE courses or GE-recognised courses which include the following:

a)       GE1101E (gateway course)

b)      All FIVE of the following:

i.        GE2101 Methods and Practices in Geography

ii.       GE2102 Politics, Economies And Space

iii.      GE2103 Our Planet: an Earth Systems Science Perspective

iv.      GE2215 Introduction to GIS

v.       GE2231 Living Space: Introducing Social and Cultural Geography

c)       A minimum of 16 Units at level-3000

d)      A minimum of 20 Units at level-4000 or higher

e)      A maximum of one level-5000 GE module (subject to departmental approval)


Second Major

Cohort 2021 onwards (40 Units)
Pass at least 40 MCs of GE courses or GE-recognised courses which include the following:

a)       GE1101E (gateway course)

b)      All FIVE of the following:

i.        GE2101 Methods and Practices in Geography

ii.       GE2102 Politics, Economies And Space

iii.      GE2103 Our Planet: an Earth Systems Science Perspective

iv.      GE2215 Introduction to GIS

v.       GE2231 Living Space: Introducing Social and Cultural Geography

c)       A minimum of 16 Units at level-3000 or higher